113- Evernote Releases Collaborative Editing - Anything But Idle - May 8, 2023

Evernote Releases Real-Time, Collaborative Editing

Evernote Releases Real-Time, Collaborative Editing, and the Productivity and Technology News of the Week.

Each week, Ray Sidney-Smith (🌐 https://twominuterule.com) and Augusto Pinaud (🌐 https://productivityvoice.com/) review and provide commentary on the week’s news in the world of personal productivity and related technologies.

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In this Cast | Evernote Collaborative Editing

Ray Sidney-Smith

Augusto Pinaud

Headlines & Show Notes | Evernote Collaborative Editing

Headlines, Part A

Headline, Part B

New Tools of the Week




Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.

Raw Text Transcript | Evernote Collaborative Editing

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).

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Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:03
Hello, personal productivity enthusiast and community Welcome to Anything But Idle, the productivity news podcast. I’m Ray Sidney-Smith.

Augusto Pinaud 0:11
I’m Augusto Pinaud.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:12
And we’re your hosts for Anything But Idle. This is episode 113. And we’re recording this on May 8 2023. Each week, we cover the productivity news headlines of the week. So you know what’s going on in the current state of tools, technology, all that fun stuff in the world of personal productivity. And with that, let’s get into our headlines at Gousto. What’s our first headline this week?

Augusto Pinaud 0:34
Well, the first article we have come from becoming a minimalist, and it is a guest article, it’s called the four reasons you are not taking action. And as we know, action is everything action is the core of productivity and they mentioned for you know, you are Luxor Pathak, or phobic, that may simply means you are afraid of other people opinion you are the perfectionist, perfectionist kind, you are distracted, and according to them, 47% are into that. And then you are burned. And you are that person who has been burned out and now live, what if, what if, what if what doesn’t progress was a well written article. It wasn’t interesting, I don’t think I have ever met somebody who is stuck on one of those categories. I think people cycle to those It is not like you’re always the perfectionist. Now some days, you may wake up perfectionist, and then the next day, you wake up burn and then the next one, you wake up something else. But But it’s interesting to see the difference between one and the other.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:47
Our next article, the next article

Augusto Pinaud 1:49
is from Darius frogs. And it is a very, very awesome article is called system versus flexibility. Why rigidity is the enemy of modern success. And it talks about the system and flexibility and why how they relate. And as I was reading this article, it reminded me of something that David Allen used to say, I’m sure he say it enough, in a way today to this day. And he said no, the reason I do getting things done is so when somebody comes to 3pm and said, Do you want to go and have a cup of coffee, I can pull my device or my list or my system and know exactly what I’m not going to be able to do. And I understand that I’m a big lover of systems. And the reason I have those systems and the reason I have certain things I don’t care in, in systems and consistency is so I can have that amount of real flexibility. You know, I I wear great pants every day. Why? One because I don’t care. I’m not the fashion and style fashion. If I give ever fashion advice, please follow the opposite direction of whatever I said, okay, but that allows me to, don’t need to think about pants. And then I can pick any shirt that is on the closet, usually the next one. But, but like that, I like to sit in and do the same kind of routines, and we will talk about routines a little bit later today. But those systems those things is exactly what allow me to get that flexibility is exactly what allow me on a moment’s notice to be able to do something or not, I

Raymond Sidney-Smith 3:40
couldn’t agree with you more on on all points, I think, you know, it’s like why? Why did I mean, you know, Steve Jobs wore the black turtleneck every day kind of situation, right? He he took away his choices, so that he had the ability to live within a system that gave him less, you know, just less choices to make and to reduce that decision fatigue. And so we have to we have to create those boundaries between what allows us to have a well worn path and create those systems that allow us to then be able to have that level of flexibility in other areas of our life. Right imagine the creative energy that was left over as a reservoir because Steve Jobs have that kind of system in place. Right? And it’s it’s these kinds of edge cases that we don’t necessarily think about but you know, choosing clothes every day I’m just to pick on your, your particular you know, affliction of being an anti fashionista you know, like if you if you don’t want to, to deal with that stuff every day, then you need to create a system in order to be able to manage it so that you have the flexibility and the energy to do everything else that you want to do in your life. And so I can’t I can’t agree more. All right on to our next article.

Augusto Pinaud 4:47
Our next article is for medium for better humans. And it’s do you sell Goldilocks goals and recently I’ve been hearing a lot of noise about Goldilocks are 10 eggs or impressive goals, really massive goals. And the article discuss why why you should and how you should, you know, dream of these massive things and then make sure that you do the job to draw at least a path between where you are and where you want to go. I have always been a fan of this massive goals, I have always had them i the largest goal in my system, it has right now 22 and a half years, and it’s coming to conclusion. Yes, it’s that, oh, I have 22 years tracking this thing. And it’s a massive goal for at least wasn’t, it’s a massive gold field. So. So I believe in them. And I believe that if it was James Cameron, who the director who used to say, you know, you should build this Goldilocks goal, because in the worst case scenario, you will fail ahead of everyone else. And I believe in that.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 6:09
Yeah, so So the article talks about Goldilocks goals. And then he talks about this other type of goal that he calls a shadow goal. And this is basically you pick your Goldilocks goal, and which is something that’s not too easy, not too hard, but should be kind of something that that is not just easily achievable. I always call these stretch goals. And that’s kind of what I’ve always heard them as a term for Golden loss goal is probably a little bit more marketing friendly. And and then he talks about the idea of then breaking that goal down into smaller goals. And, and setting those smaller goals that are more manageable and actionable. And so what I understand from his perspective here is that those are the shadow goals are the are the smaller, less flashy items that that you need to do. And so it’s it’s breaking, I mean, it’s what we talk about all the time with regard to any goal or project that you’re trying to achieve, break it down into the smaller, more actionable units. And those are the things that you really want to work toward. So his concept of shadow goal is just basically breaking things down into smaller goals. And I think it’s all sounds good. I mean, you know, again, this is very flashy, flashy names for things, you know, you hear Goldilocks goal and shadow goal, and so on, so forth, and even hearkened. Back to to the big, hairy, audacious goal concept, the B hags, you know, and how those have been talked about over the years, which is a Jim Collins creation, for anybody who wants to look up Jim Collins, and Good to Great, but the the thing that I find to be really important for us all is that, you know, whether we create goals, or we share those goals with others, whether we create really big goals, or whether we create really small goals is that we are actually implementing them within a context within a framework that allows us to be able to achieve them. And so I think that’s the most important part you can, you can call the goal, whatever you want to call it, and I myself know the semantic power of of naming things correctly. But the reality is, is that when it comes to the things you’re actually going to get done, it’s on that action level that you really need to be able to name things properly, and to put them in the right context, so that you know that you’re going to achieve them. So I appreciated the article because it just helped me refine and refresh my own thoughts around that, even though I don’t necessarily agree with the naming of I disagree with the naming, but you know, it’s just not my flavor of naming. I appreciated the the refresher in that sense onto our next

Augusto Pinaud 8:37
or next articles from productive flourishing, and it is time to rethink your routines. And, you know, the only thing I will add to that article that we were talking about system flexibility is routines, I think is system of routines. That’s where the flexibility comes. And those routines, as the article said, you know, they said, Well, you should you know, gather and analyze and they said well, end of the year, spring, summer, are good times, I believe, anytime it’s good to the best time to analyze the routine is right now, the second time maybe end of the year is praying or any of those because the moment you notice that journal routines may not be serving you anymore, that is the time to review at least that one. In my case, I have a set of you know, every 13 weeks I go on at least review they are in writing and I tried to make sure to reevaluate them every 13 weeks. Don’t need to be an in depth review. Many of the times just read over and say yeah, this is still fine. It’s still valid. You know, I have share on another show, like ProductivityCast or and I have share about my technology card and the technology card fits into this is it described Anything that I have in the technology in my technology world and how those routines with those devices work, it works exactly the same.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 10:10
Yeah, I you know, how much of a fan I am of routines, I think that the idea of us focusing on habits is is fundamentally flawed in the personal productivity space. Habits are difficult to create. They are not the, the latticework. They’re not the system, or the framework in which in which habits develop habits are something that happened automatically. And they happen by by repetition. And that needs a framework, you can’t just go and say, I’m gonna start a habit, and then all of a sudden have a habit, you know, habits take a tremendous amount of time to develop, depending upon their complexity. And so routines are really where the rubber meets the road for being able to truly have more productivity. And so and productivity being, you know, getting the right things done in the right time place, with the right resources. And so, you know, it’s making sure that you’re doing all of those things I really love. Is this Charlie, Charlie Gilkey is

Augusto Pinaud 11:04
No, Charlie was one of one of his writers, but yeah,

Raymond Sidney-Smith 11:07
gotcha, gotcha. Okay, but but this is Charlie Gilkey site. And so I but I really, I really liked the idea behind the idea of the routines audit, I do something similar with my own clients, I love walking through and saying, Okay, what do you do every day? Let’s figure that out. And it’s just a fundamental necessity to be able to identify what are the things that you do every day, and that is your current routines, or set of routines, that’s your routine or routines, and we can break those into fundamental parts, and then we can do an analysis of them. So I just love this idea of doing a routines audit, I necessarily wouldn’t call it an audit, in the sense tends to scare people. But I think I think doing some kind of routines, you know, kind of check to understand what you’re doing every day. And then using that as a as a, like I said, it’s a latticework, it’s, it’s basically the soil from which everything else grows in your life, you’re doing these things already. So you are surfacing to awareness, the things you’re already doing. And now you can attach to them more productive activities. And they don’t have to be habits, they just have to be productive actions. And that, you know, repeated over time may become a habit, but maybe it doesn’t, maybe it doesn’t need to be because you’re doing it only once every few years, or maybe once every couple of weeks, you need to make sure that you’re taking advantage of your teams on a regular basis. All right, on to our next article.

Augusto Pinaud 12:24
Next article is from life hack from Leon actually on who and it talks about the things that matter and how to find that it talks about an interview they did in in the podcast to Conor Swanson and his book, Make time and basically they cover the book, pay, focus on one thing, then learn to listen to your gut your instinct, when you pry arise and set boundaries, you know, things that we should do, and we forget, it’s very easy to blurring those boundaries is very easy to lead, the urgent take the name of the importance in the words of Dr. Covey, you know, and we forget to listen to the things to what we are focusing when we are focusing on stuff and that takes away

Raymond Sidney-Smith 13:19
I’ve read make time it’s a great book and I highly suggest folks pick it up and in the article there is an interview with with the author, Conor Swenson, and and it and it has, what’s his name in it and my name, it’s escaping me now. But it’ll, it’ll you’ll, you’ll recognize his face when you see it. It’s escaping me now. But definitely worth watching the interview, because I think it’s definitely something where Connor kind of opens up some of the the fundamental pieces of of that whole space. So all right, on to our next article.

Augusto Pinaud 13:56
The last the last we have for this section is an opposed from corrosion, Dini and follow correct for many, many years. And he’s making his the article talks about turning away from inside the base taxes, task systems. And what I have said this when I have said this before, I say what do you feel when you open your task? And the reality is many people feel anxiety instead of being excited when you open your calendar, what do you see? You see stuff or you see excitement? What is that and how to work into that. Then he’s announcing also his new course that is called waste of focus. So if you’re interested into that, if you feel that unsightly, when you see that system, I will recommend to read a little bit more on crash that link is going to be in the show notes.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 14:54
Fantastic. All right. I think that takes us to the end of our productive The articles this week, we’re gonna take a quick break to hear a word from our sponsor, and then we are on to the tech articles. Right thereafter, we’ll see after the break.

Sponsor Voice Over 15:09
Well, working in person may be normal for you, it’s unlikely your co workers are as interested in being productive as you are, or working remotely or from home can be isolating. And there’s something powerful about being with productive people, even virtually, that helps you be more engaged. If a flavor of these sounds familiar, co working space by personal productivity club is for you. co working space is a virtual work community designed to help members be more effective and efficient in their work and personal lives. At its core, we provide goal tracking and host focused action sessions throughout the week for accountability and camaraderie, visit anything but idle.com. Forward slash co working to learn more CO working space lives inside personal productivity club, a digital community for personal productivity enthusiast. So you can find people who use methods and tools you do to, again, head over to anything but idle.com forward slash co working to see how co working space can help you be more productive. And now back to our show.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 16:19
And we’re back welcome back to part two, Anything But Idle, the productivity news podcast, I continually get ProductivityCast and Anything But Idle, mixed up in my head already. So what’s the next headline

Augusto Pinaud 16:31
I, I will before we go to the next one I’m going to share for the people with us all as I do at least this this interview of the show I my office made a new shade. And that the time of this commercial run exactly as the commercials were when I was a kid I moved so I can put something that block the sun in my face and remove and try to do something else. I was laughing on the back show, as we were both trying to make it as we were kids back before the show is back. So the first article, this, you know, it’s taking many years from that first iPad, that I pick in California for this form factor to get really where I thought it should have been many years ago. And our first article is about the one plus the one plus is an Android tablet very close to what the iPad, you have an iPad look and an iPad fail, except that it used Android and the company open to pre orders the prices pretty decent. And the reviews at least for what I have seen. It’s they’re very powerful and very competitive. So are we really getting to that time where the tablets like the iPad are going to get to mainstream. I’m looking forward to that. I’ve been looking forward to that for many years now. But I’m still looking forward to that.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 17:59
Yeah, I saw several of the tablet reviews for the one plus pad. There are some some downsides to it. But having a one plus branded tablet that that competes with Samsung’s Galaxy Tab, you know, lineup as well as then being something that’s on parity. I mean, it’s beautiful, it’s it’s a it’s a nice looking tablet, something that really competes with the iPad, kind of exclusivity of the ecosystem within Apple, I think it makes a lot of sense, it’s good to have that competition. And I’m certainly looking at, you know, the, the one plus pad as an addition to my own, you know, world. And I think that it would be really nice having that nice case, having having the stylus, all of that just kind of together in one nice, fluid environment. And, you know, I spend most of my time inside the the Google workspace ecosystem, whether that be personal or otherwise, personal and work and otherwise. And so it’s nice to have those kinds of pieces put together there. And yeah, so it’s, I’m looking forward to it. And you know, it’s a it’s a

Augusto Pinaud 19:03
buy, don’t buy it until we start talking about rumors today. But

Raymond Sidney-Smith 19:09
yeah, but just so folks know, it’s roughly in the $500 price point, right and so, so you’re talking that plus the various peripherals, you know, you’re starting to come up into the Apple iPad dollar range in terms of how much you’re going to spend. And so I’m definitely going to look forward to seeing what happens in the in the ecosystem, as new new tablets come out on the market that might bring the price down on the One Plus pad as they see that their competition is also heating up. But great pic like from a pixel density perspective. It’s a really nice viewing screen. It’s very nice quality build and nice to hold from what i’ve what I’ve read. And we’ll see what happens with regard to some of the other pieces there but I hope they can from what I’ve read again, you know, just reading reviews Here, I hope that keyboard and stylus, you know, get some get some upgrades, because, you know, either aftermarket or third party items are just going to need to come in and fill the gap perhaps there, but you have a quality tablet, you really need quality peripherals to make it round out in terms of the experience.

Augusto Pinaud 20:20
So our next articles from nine to five Mac, and it’s a comparison between the iPad Pro and the iPad Air, and I get that question a lot. You know, I? And I get it, you don’t know, you are not the technology case? What is the difference? Why should I get the pro versus the air? It’s that the difference is worth it. And I’m going to give you answers. I’m not going to cover the article, but I’m going to give the answer that I normally give to people. The first question that I asked is, when are you going to replace this machine? Is your answer is I’m planning to replace it, you know, as far as humanly possible, then go and buy the Pro. Why? Because Apple tend to keep the pro in the update circle much longer than the non pro machine. Number one. Number two, the iPad Air versus the pro eight has a storage limitation. The iPad Air has a maximum of 256 megabytes while the Pro can got up to two terabytes. So get a larger machine and look at the machine you’re using and at least double so you can have that longevity. The rest of the things from the geek perspective are very fun to read. But I tend to believe those are the two meet big main point for most users.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 21:51
You’re the expert. I’m gonna leave it to you.

Augusto Pinaud 21:54
Oh, our next article comes from stout canter is saying that Microsoft Edge is not longer the world’s second Dexter browser Safari has take back that place of second place that I’m going to assume it’s a good thing for Apple talking into Apple comes there our next article? And is the global smartphone market continue to fall into one bin iPhone, the only exception you know most of the company’s shipments went down eight to 22%, Apple got a grow of 3%. But I was very curious about this. Because I was not expecting the decline on on, at least on phones. That was a surprise for me, because what I seen is more and more people making those phones their main device, making the phone, you know, the device that they use over their laptops and their tablets. So are we are the phones getting to the point that are so powerful that now we’re not replacing them that much? And that’s the reason of the decline? I don’t know.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 23:16
Yeah, I think I think when we fundamentally look at the market, we put a lot of phones and a lot of people’s hands throughout the pandemic. And I think it became a necessity for a lot of folks to be able to get their actual work done. And that forced a lot of people to go into that space. At the same time. Those of us who can’t afford to have a replacement phone or replacing our phones on a more regular basis. And or we have multiple phones, you know, those people with multiple devices. You know, we’ve been being told for more than a year now, a year plus that we’ve been got, we’re in a recession, right. And so everybody has been tightening their belts, they continue to keep, you know, spouting this nonsense that we’re in a recession and that the recession is coming. And all that does is it hurts consumer confidence, and doesn’t really, you know, a recession is always a thing of the past, right? It is a metric of what happened, not a metric of what is happening. And so white white telling me that I’m in a recession, well, I can’t do anything about it. Because it’s something that is that I’m living in the midst of right. And so I just I fundamentally disagree with the way in which the media talks about recessions, they should, they should just tell me the numbers of what’s going on and try not to get this nonce nonstop, you know, recession just sounds like a scary, you know, boogeyman for them to talk about all the time. And unfortunately, we’ve had supply chain issues and labor shortage issues and all kinds of other things related to both the pandemic and otherwise, but we have this uneven economic climate and I think that probably has a lot more to do with why not more cell phones are being both put into the hands of new people. But also now, you’re you’re right in the sense that I think for ones are just better quality builders are lasting longer. And so, you know, they’re meantime before failure, which is something that, you know, manufacturers put in, you know, manufacture products to fail for right. They that mean time before failure is what they, what they, what they built for that planned obsolescence. I think that, you know, they’re they’re just higher quality products now and we’re seeing them the last longer, but I think a lot of it also has to do with consumer confidence, I think I think it’s, it’s diminishing because of the constant. You know, we’re in a recession, we’re in a recession, we’re in a recession, repetition. And I think that I think in the next few quarters, we’ll probably see people start to like numb to that. And being like, well, you keep telling us, we are but we see the jobs numbers, we see the global market continue to turn right along. And they’ll they’ll basically overcome that.

Augusto Pinaud 25:51
I hope you’re writing to that. So our next article is T Mobile see another data rich, it’s compromising social numbers, and other stuff for a small group of people. And so if you’re a T Mobile, user, pay attention. And hopefully you don’t receive your letter. The next article, please are very interesting interview with one password CEO, and he’s talking about the future of password managers, we have discussed password managers. Here in the show, we have discussed password managers in ProductivityCast. On crossplatform, everywhere, because we believe that password 123 It’s not a good one and a two and put it in posted under your laptop. That’s also not a good strategy. So you’ve seen tools like one password using tools, like I forgot the name of the one you used to have? Or you have, I used to be the one. So Ben Warren allows you to have it. So this is an interesting interview with the CEO, you know, what are the changes? What is one password thinking and knowing about past keys, and how they’re protecting the data, how they’re linking it stuff. I use, particularly one password. It’s been great over the years. I think, before that, I use one called Splash ID and I think my year of birth just fall to the floor. But that’s how, that’s how old I’ve been using this the things to create passwords better than 123.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 27:39
Yeah, I think the one password is doing a lot of really remarkable things. And the implementation of past keys is why they interviewed the CEO and CIO Jeff shiner. And the thing that really stands out for me is that one password is working behind the scenes to work with corporations to be able to bring this level of passkey availability to the mass market, which I think is just a brilliant move on the part of one password. And because think about it, like is Best Buy, or Walmart can really be the best people to manage and maintain, you know, pass keys compatibility and, and, and security, probably not, you know, they have they have they have good, if not great, IT departments and so on, so forth. And maybe they have a great Cisco, but which is the the security officer at the at the organization. But the reality is, is that, you know, CTO, Cisco, all of those folks can’t be that explicitly focused on Password Management and that identity management piece. And I think that having third party vendors who who can do that work, are going to are going to do it better, they’re gonna keep it up to date better. So I found that to be really fascinating to me that, you know, maybe at some point, they can provide this to small business owners through some kind of program. So that it’s not just large corporations that can afford a one password type, identity management piece, but maybe smaller businesses can as well. So if Jeff shine or any of the one password folks are listening, you know, reach out and let us know if there’s a way that small business owners can be included. Okay, onto our next story.

Augusto Pinaud 29:12
Or next is Microsoft Teams. He’s now going to let start small business charging for appointments, webinars, more they are partnering with GoDaddy, PayPal and Stripe to make that day solution for a small business where they can go connect, do the webinars charged in place. Really. The interesting thing for me on this is this is the second time that I see Microsoft Teams hitting directly against zoom. You know, fine, we were you know, the corporate seen and we are the corporate thing but now since you decided to do some of the corporate now we’re going to do on your small business worlds. Let’s see what happened. I I don’t know but he It may be, it may be interesting what’s coming.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 30:03
Yeah, so for folks who don’t know, Zoom has registration built into zoom meetings. So if you just have a pro pro license, you can do registration, you can’t do payment. But zoom has a platform called on Zoom. This is very confusing, but on Zoom allows you to both host and have a marketplace of events on Zoom. And so you’re capable of using on zoom on Zoom. So the idea then, is that you can charge a fee, and have people come into the platform. Now the last time I use it and played around with it, it was more than a year ago, and it was us only I think they have, hopefully they have expanded it beyond that now. But the idea behind on Zoom is to do some of the things that Microsoft Teams is currently doing. So this is not caked directly into the Zoom meeting client, like Microsoft Teams is trying to do here with with that. So I’m really, I’m really glad that Microsoft is doing this, this is going to open up the ability for small business owners to be able to charge, you know, at the door for meetings in so many different ways. Now, I hope that it is not clunky as hell. I mean, that’s my real, my real challenge with Microsoft implementing those kinds of things is that these tend to be just very, very clunky. And Microsoft forms for example, folks, I mean, Microsoft forms team come on, like don’t Don’t, don’t do this to us, Microsoft, a form should be one of the most frictionless experiences. And not to get up on my soapbox, but Microsoft forms is very little to be desired in that category. So I would really like to see Microsoft teams with this whole partnership with GoDaddy, PayPal and Stripe, make the payment process really strapped up, you know, seamless for those teams, business users to be able to take payment. So great, great idea. Now it’s all about implementation and execution to make this a nice experience for people and so on cross my fingers there.

Augusto Pinaud 32:05
Make sure you cross him. That’s all that I’m going to say about

Raymond Sidney-Smith 32:08
my fingers and my toes. Cheese.

Augusto Pinaud 32:11
So our next one is Microsoft is forcing outlook and teams to open links in Microsoft Edge. And IT admins are not that happy. That’s not supposed to be by default. Apparently, Microsoft and only open on edge.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 32:30
I think that was not an oops, I think that’s a deliberate attempt on Microsoft.

Augusto Pinaud 32:35
To recline in here.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 32:37
No, no, no, no, I’m calling it like it is the the the fairly skeptical view is that, you know, Edge has been losing the number of users and Microsoft wants to continue to compete with Safari, they know they can’t compete with Chrome anymore. So they definitely want to compete with Safari. And honestly, with Vivaldi and brave and some of the other smaller browsers that are out there. Microsoft has the ability to have a large install base just because right, they are Microsoft and they they have this large user base to be able to do that. But you know, the reality is, is that they can’t play these antics, you know, this is this is really going to come back and bite them worse than than it already has. And longtime is not going to build trust, you have to trust your browser, right? You are exposing so much of her life to the browser today. You really need to trust the browser. And when they’re playing these kinds of games. It’s just not it’s just not, you know, kosher to me. So all right, onward.

Augusto Pinaud 33:31
Well, the next one is hold yours. It’s an article from Chrome on Buxton say I shouldn’t be this excited. But now I can use emojis on my Google Doc.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 33:44
Well, so this is even more important. So this is inside of a Google document, I am going to place a comment in the Google document that you know, there’s so when I share for every show. Now, when a Gousto hovers over the comment that I’ve just written, He can now actually click on an emoji icon to react to the comment itself. So to date, you’ve actually been able to highlight text within the text of of a Google Doc and apply an emoji reaction. Okay, so that’s been in there for some some time now. But now within the comment itself, you can highlight on any line of a comment and you’ll see an emoji reaction button, and you’ll be able to then go ahead and place an emoji on it, which is just super helpful, because then you don’t have to do the additional work of having to write the same thing over again, or show agreement, you can just put a checkbox or you know, be like I disagree with this, but a thumbs down. There can be some really great ways in which we can be more productive in the comments not in the body of the document itself. And so now I can say, oh, you know what, everybody who agrees with us changing this line to X, Y and Zed, go ahead and give us a thumbs up those who disagree, give a thumbs down. Now everyone could do that. And now right there in the comments. We’ve made a major Really quick decision. And we go on with our days, right? You know, as opposed to having lots of people have to plus one plus one plus one in the comments below, not sure if you’ve ever experienced that, but I have. And it’s very, very annoying because you have to like tabulate how many people plus one and minus one, and so on and so forth. And this is just a really easy way for you to be able to do it. So I really applaud Google for applying this piece out there. I’ll also note that in Google Spaces chat, or in Google Chat, generally, I believe we are now getting threaded discussions. And so now when you are in that kind of Google Chat, and you have multiple responses to the same message, you’re seeing those threaded discussions, it should be rolling out to everyone, I have not yet seen it in my own installation. So I’m still waiting for it to happen. But man that is going to clean up so many, just, you know, I can’t ever understand the context of a conversation that I’m in when I’m inside of Google Spaces chat. And we use a lot of Google Spaces chats in my in my in my work. And so I want to be able to see those things in line. And so these, they seem like minor things, but they are huge productivity improvements, when you see this kind of inline emoji reaction in the in the comments, and then also this inline threading within cool spaces chat.

Augusto Pinaud 36:14
Well, the Google Chrome 113, it’s out. So you can go Google Chrome was the right for everything, you know, Mike, Mac, Linux, Windows, and so upgrade your your Google, and there is a new editor for Chromebooks for Google Photos. I don’t know if you have used it, I have not, I have not used it. But if you are into Photos, basically, if you have a Chromebook, Google is now allowing you to use you know, a Chrome OS experience similar to what a movie is for the Apple ecosystem. So the reviews are interesting, I’m going to say. And the next one that are our next article is Google’s plan or is planning to add end to end encryption to their authenticator. So that way, they will make that authenticator safer.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 37:22
Yeah, so So last week, we talked about the fact that Google did release, the ability to synchronize your google authenticator, one time passwords across multiple devices. So you can have them across iOS and Android, all of them in synchronization, which means that you don’t have to worry about, you know, having to export and import them all across the various devices as you once had to, but they are not Eazy E end to end encrypted. Google is now you know, after quite a bit of backlash, coming out and saying, oh, yeah, by the way, it’s in our plans, and we’re going to make that happen. And so you know, I understand where they’re coming from, they’re going to get a lot of customer support calls when people will go to go ahead and lock themselves out of devices. But I think this is the right thing to do. And they’re just going to have to figure out how to make this a seamless process for folks. Just going forward. So the pressure is appropriate. And I look forward to seeing that Ed E. availability on all the authenticator accounts.

Augusto Pinaud 38:20
Yeah. So I we have talked about WhatsApp and there is a love hate relationship with WhatsApp. But they are releasing a feature that I am excited, I don’t think I only I’d be not been excited about WhatsApp since that time, I could use something different than BlackBerry Messenger. And that was, again very many years back. I dislike voice messages from the bottom of my heart. And the reason is, voice message require me to stop. Okay, if I’m if you send me a text message, I may be able to read it in in the midst of doing things. When you send me a voice message, you force me to be on a place where I can listen where I can keep the message, you’re sending me private and all that. So it’s annoying for me. But now WhatsApp is releasing for iOS at the beginning aversion where when you get one of those voice messages, it going to translate it to text, and that is so welcome. I don’t know jet is will translate English and Spanish. That will be awesome. I’m sure it’s not going to happen yet. But it’s still I’m very looking forward to get that

Raymond Sidney-Smith 39:34
happen. So this is not in the rundown, but I want to bring it up just so folks are aware. And that is that crisp, is the auto audio conditioning software. So it allows for you to be able to have just cleaner audio, it removes background noise even isolates your voice so that if other folks are talking around you it only hear if you only communicates in the machine, your voice. It’s only available on desktop so just be Be mindful, it is only available on desktop, and not on Chrome OS either. So So Mac OS and Windows, right? It’s is it available, it’s back the Mac and Windows. Yeah. And so great software though fantastic software, I love it, it’s the easiest thing to to, you know, have on your system for that kind of stuff. Anyway, one of the most recent additions they put into the software, and I just got the release of it a couple days ago, is the ability to do meeting transcriptions. And so what they do now is inside of the, the audio feed, as they’re hearing, you talk and they’re hearing the other person speak, they’re pulling those together, transcribing the audio and giving you a transcription for all of your meetings that you use crisp for. So it has actually been really brilliant, because it allows me to go back after the meeting and just kind of go through and say, Hey, what, what did I say I was going to do. And so now I’m using key words, I will actually say out loud, you know, raise task item, you know, and then like this is a task I’m going to do, I will say the word task task task. And then I could just search through the thing. And and this look at everywhere I said task. And now it has identified any of them. And so I look at my notes, I can then reconcile that with what I have in crisp, and voila. So it only transcribes current English currently. But I’m presuming they’ll bring that back to the fore going forward, the audio never leaves your device. So all of that is being processed on the device itself, which is great for privacy purposes. So it’s just producing that that transcript. And so I’m really, I’m actually really pleased with that addition to crisp. And I imagine they’re trying to make themselves more valuable going forward. You know, and I think this is certainly one of those ways in which they can do that. All right. So with our productivity, technology articles done, we move our way on to new tools of the week. And so every week, Augusta and I come across many personal development, time management, task management, project management and other productivity collaboration tools every week. And so we take some of those, and we keep those four are segment neutrals of the week. And each of us usually brings you one of those. And so my first tool this week is a tool called was DOLIA. And was DOLIA is really interesting, because it allows you to create flashcards out of really any site, which is remarkably helpful. And I am trying to bring it up on screen and I cannot so we’re just not going to All right, there we go. So, so was DOLIA is I just think really, really cool. And if I could only find it where is my was DOLIA. Another really quick tip is if you ever can’t find something in Chrome, or any Chrome chromium based browser, Ctrl Shift A and it will give you a little search screen that takes you to where you want to, you know where you want to be. So you can basically control shift day type in, in this case was Dahlia and voila, you were there. And so we still allows you to go ahead and I’m gonna I’m gonna fight the fight last last time I couldn’t do it. And I’m going to do it again this time. Here we go. All right with us. Did you see my screen?

Augusto Pinaud 43:18
Nope. It is there. But I see. No, I see your screen. That was fantastic.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 43:24
All right. So this is wisdom Alia and I apologize about the tech issues, but I wanted to make it work. So this is what’s DOLIA what it does is allows you to generate flashcards from articles PDFs, and YouTube. And it’s really quite simple. You install the browser plugin. And this works, of course in Chrome or any chromium based browsers. So that’s edge Vivaldi browser, brave, you name it. And it auto generates from the content of that video, that PDF or that webpage, a series of flashcards. And so then you can go ahead and review the the flashcard questions to kind of test you on whether or not you understood what that video, you know, webpage or PDF said. And if it’s good, you can basically mark it as being good. You can go in and you can change them. So if it isn’t good, you can actually change the question and change the answer to be correct if it if it really isn’t. And then ultimately, you can come back to it over and over again. And keep taking that that flashcard series to be able to test your knowledge. Now the thing that’s really really cool about this is that you can actually extract this and tie this to the space repetition app onkey. So Aki onkey on the web, and you can go ahead and export all of this over there. So you can continue to use your flashcards over and monkey if you are an onkey user. So it’s very cool that you can do that in that sense. So that’s my thought was DOLIA was delete.com. And we of course will put a link to that in the show notes for everybody.

Augusto Pinaud 44:58
I want to bring first an article We’ll and the article talks about the tools at a recent article from Michael’s Lewinsky, Michael Dell team, the CEO of North Korea, and he’s talking about his travel pouch, and he talks about why he used two pouches one pouch, a larger pouch for traveling and what he calls his everyday pouch, you know what he used everyday. And the second link you will get in the show notes is the brand I used to call WaterFire. What if field design, San Francisco bags they used to be called, and I have a bunch of them in a small things, hey, if I’m going to use the battery, I have a 65 watt battery for what I want to go and don’t be concerned about power, then that it has its own contained back that way. I don’t need to take a bunch of things I can take that I think one for cables, I think I have a bunch of small ones, because it’s easy for me to add what I want and build it really customizable what I want to build then have a big one. But have you think about those things? Did you have those, you know, tech pouches? Do you have? How do you keep your cables, your connectors? Do you have multiples of those? What do you do with those accessories? And so listener, if you don’t read the article and think about it, what can this bring us an improvement for your technology? Bannock

Raymond Sidney-Smith 46:28
Yeah, I’ll just I’ll just note that, like, Michael, I use a Peak Design bag, I have a peak pouch, and I think the same exact model he has. And so all of my tech cables and whatnot go into that kind of pouch. And that’s how we kind of manage on the road, I only have one, just because I I just don’t have the need or desire to have multiple pouches in that sense, although I have been looking at the larger Peak Design bag because I do like the the design of the peak brand. But But so far, I’ve kept the smaller one and managed to cram all of the cables in there. And I’ve only freaked out probably TSA a few times by having so many cables in one bag. But you know, TSA seems to be okay that you know I have a TSA safe lock. So they just open up the suitcase and they tell me that they’ve they’ve inspected my bag and they’ve made sure it was you know, not a bomb or anything like that. Just for the record any other TSA agents watching or listening in the future. I have no interest in hurting anybody. So you can you can skip my bag when it comes across your your scanner. I don’t know why it’s such a such a weird thing. Anyway, moving right along to our feature story this week. Our feature story this week is of course that Evernote has released real time collaborative editing. And I don’t know if you’ve played around with this Gousto. But I will just give kind of a preface for everyone. And then we can kind of discuss some of the particulars and if I can answer any questions, so those of you who may not know, I’m an Evernote certified expert, and so I spend a lot of my time in and around the concept of teaching Evernote to folks. And Evernote has always been a one individual in one note at a time product. So you have been able to open a note and edit that note. Other folks could open it and see that note. But they were really looking at a more static picture of that note until it refreshed in the system. And so you were locked out from collaborative, you know, work in an individual note. And it’s always been fairly frustrating to me. I mean, this is going back to 2009. This was frustrating to me, and has always limited the way in which I used Evernote. So starting about a month ago, Evernote started to release this, this item and preview this feature in preview. And you may have noticed it if you saw a little preview icon that appeared in your in your Evernote, desktop and mobile applications. And so now it is fully out there for everybody. And the idea is is that you now have the ability to real time edit, meaning that Gousto and I and as many other people as we want to can share the same note and be utilizing that same note. At the same time. This is fundamentally changing the way in which I think about Evernote and how I would use Evernote. And I just think that this is really great for everybody to have. So think Google Docs or Google Sheets where you can invite everybody, everybody can be working in the Google’s same Google document the same Google sheet at the same time. And at the same at the same kind of in the same vein of that you’re also capable of interacting and sharing with all of the elements within that. So unlike a Google doc docs document, Google Docs document, you can put a PDF in there and put in some images and then move those images around and edit them. You can do all of that inside of the Google inside of the Evernote note editor now, right? So I can place an image into a note. And then it’s shared automatically with a Cousteau, he can have it on screen. And now he can open it, start annotating it, and annotate it in real time, and then save it back into the note. And now I can see it in real time as well. So we have that kind of fluidity that I think is going to be really, really powerful for us all to be able to, to better collaborate. Now, you say, Wait a second, my Evernote is my personal knowledge management system. And I’d have no reason to share it with anybody else. But myself. Well, this is where it really benefits me as well, because I’ve been keeping the same note open on many different document on many different devices over time. And it’s always frustrated me that I would have to like close a note and reopen it to make it unlock so that I can now no issues. If I’m on one device, I can fluidly keep those notes open on all of my devices all the time. And I could just go to that note and say, Okay, I’m going to continue working on this note here. And, and so so what if I have it open on some other device, it doesn’t really matter, the device knows that I have, I’ve got got it open here. And it keeps those things in sync in sync for me. And so even by yourself, it really provides you a great, you know, great capability. And again, that’s Evernote Web, all the mobile applications and all the desktop applications to really give them that seamless capability across those tools. Now there are going to be some places where you’re going to you’re going to just always going to have a problem, right. So you open up that note on your on your desktop, and then you disconnect from the web. And then you go and open up that document on another device that is on the web and you make substantial, you start making changes, obviously, there’s going to be a note conflict because you’re making those changes in those multiple places. But as long as it shows you as being in real time sync, and you can see your little head, you know, your little profile image with the circle and the document and you can see your other profile single circle and the document and you’re both working on it, you’re basically in real time sync. So very, very cool stuff coming from Evernote, I give them a lot of credit.

Augusto Pinaud 51:57
So this is the end of our feature article, we have a couple of interesting announcements. One is Apple share the Mother’s Day gift guide that happened on the United States on Monday, May the 14th. So for the mothers who listen this show, Happy Mother’s Day. And apparently Apple thinks that there is no way better to love your mother and an Apple product. But the second thing is a very interesting article. And he’s in New York Police Department is encouraging car owners to use our tax to the tear the test of this and they’re even given 500 or tax, that I laugh at the number because for New York, that’s like a drop in the bucket. And but they’re doing that.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 52:50
So I’ll just I’ll stop every Sunday there for just a moment. But please ignore the New York Police Department here. This is ridiculous that they are giving away free air tags. This is not going to deter car theft. And it’s only going to create a huge problem for a lot of New Yorkers. Because whose account is this going to tie to? How are they going to manage the air tags over the long term? I mean, this really hasn’t been thought through very much 500, as you said, is a drop in the bucket. And should you know, there’s a number of different problems with this program. So like just don’t get on New York Police Department for thinking innovatively. But this is a pretty poor kind of rollout and

Augusto Pinaud 53:30
require a little bit more more thought. And the last thing is we have an article in a rumor section. And it is all about Google this morning. The article didn’t make it to this note, but this morning, Amazon make an oops, and showed all the specs of the new Google tablet and the Google Pixel fold specs has been all over the market. So these two devices are coming. Google is getting into the fold market. And the pics of fall is expected to be announced on the 10th of May. Same as a tablet. So the fold I’m very curious about it. No, I’m not leaving the iOS ecosystem. But I’m very curious about it. Because as you were talking earlier in the show about multiple devices and multiple phones I have zero interest on have multiple phone. But I would love to have, you know multiple iPad minis connected. So I can follow them on unfolding.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 54:33
Yeah, no, I I’ve not been interested in the fold market until now. I you know, when I looked at the surface, what was the surface? Surface? Yeah, the surface duo and I’ve looked at the Samsung Galaxy fold devices as well. None of them really appealed to me in a grand way. But I am a pixel user, you know, multiple Pixel phones, and I feel like this could very well be something that I could use as a daily driver, if it were implemented correctly, especially with an external keyboard, this becomes a real driver of me being able to get through email quickly and easily while I’m on the road. And so I see a lot of opportunity here, I’m gonna, I’m going to wait it out, I’m not probably going to be the first person to buy a pixel fold. But I but I’m interested to see where this goes, goes. I think I think, you know, challenge challenging the Z fold for from Samsung, I think will be the be the thing that tells me whether or not it’s the right. Right matchup for me, it keeps me within the pixel ecosystem, you know, I have the I’ve several the pixel buds, pixel buds Pro, I’ve got the pixel watch, I, you know, I’m in that ecosystem now with Google, and I’m using Google products. So it makes a lot of sense for me in that sense. And I’m curious to see whether or not it’s going to have, I’m just really interested in seeing that internal screen when you open it up. And just having a great feel and experience plus the bulkiness of it, I’m really curious about how thick that fold is going to be in your pocket. I’m already annoyed by the case plus the phone for the seven Pro. So you know that that that big, seven, XL, or whatever it’s called pixel seven XL. So you know, that’s a big phone for me. And so I would like to see what what’s going to happen in terms of form factor there. And, you know, it says the device should be able to easily fit in a pocket when folded. But is that going to be like, you know, stretching your pocket to capacity? Or is that going to be a comfortable fit in your pocket? So we’ll we’ll see what happens. But I’m really I’m really excited that, you know, this, quote, unquote, rumor has now been confirmed, because I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with regard to the pixel fold. And the the new pixel tablet I’ve, you know, again, I’m I’m not particularly interested in than the pixel branded tablets. But if it’s going to challenge the One Plus pad in that sense, and will be useful. I think that can be an interesting step in the right direction for us all. So anything else that goes no,

Augusto Pinaud 57:06
no, that’s all that we have today. All right.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 57:09
And with that, we have reached the end of Anything But Idle, the productivity news podcast, thank you to Augusto for running the show, and getting it through every week. Thank you good stuff. All right, everybody. If there’s a story we missed, you can go ahead over to our contact page or just go to the episode page itself and in the comments, you can let us know. You can also go to our community which is built inside of personal productivity club. So if you go to anything but idle.com forward slash community, you’ll be taken to a signup page. You can join Anything But Idle community and you can let us know directly inside the community with all the other listeners of Anything But Idle. We also have a Twitter account at Anything But Idle you can tweet or DM us there. And you can also follow us across social media. You can follow Augusto or myself on social and let us know in those places as well. Feel free to subscribe to us if you’re not already in Apple podcasts or Stitcher or Google podcasts or your favorite podcast app of choice and let a friend know let a friend know that Anything But Idle exists that helps us to grow the Anything But Idle audience. And so thank you. Until next time, here’s to your productive life.


Download a PDF of raw, text transcript of the interview here.

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