Productivity and Kindness

Happy National Random Acts of Kindness Day, and in honor of that, we thought because of “holiday” we would have a conversation about productivity and kindness, and how those two things work together. In addition to the productivity and technology news of the week, we covered our featured story this week, which was about the new Trello experience.

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In this Cast | Productivity and Kindness

Ray Sidney-Smith

Augusto Pinaud

Frank Buck, EdD

Most people are overwhelmed by the amount of paper and digital information in their lives. Frank Buck makes organization easy so you can increase productivity, decrease stress, and enjoy life. Global Gurus ranked Frank #1 in the world in the “Time Management” category for 2019 and 2020. His career path took him from band director to principal to central office administrator and now to productivity coach and speaker.

Headlines & Show Notes | Productivity and Kindness

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Raw Text Transcript

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).

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Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:00
Hello personal productivity enthusiasts and community Welcome to Anything But Idle the productivity news podcast. Today’s show is brought to you by productivity voice. I’m Ray Sidney-Smith.

Augusto Pinaud 0:10
I’m Augusto Pinaud.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:11
And we’re your hosts for Anything But Idle. So I’m going to say Happy belated, national, random acts of kindness day as well as technically today is Happy National Margarita day. So if you have a margarita, I’m both jealous and enticed. But this is Episode 45. entitled, productivity and kindness, and we’re recording this on February 22 2021. Each week we cover and discuss the productivity and technology news of the week. And to do that this week, we have brought with us Dr. Frank Buck, most people are overwhelmed by the amount of paper and digital information in their lives. Frank Buck makes organization easy so you can increase productivity, decrease stress, and enjoy life. Global gurus has ranked Dr. Buck number one in the world in the time management category for both 2019 and 2020. His career path took him from band director to principal to Central Office administrator and now he’s a productivity coach and speaker. Welcome to Anything But Idle Frank.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:13
All right, glad to be here. Gotcha. got me thinking about the Margarita. So, Margarita is unkindness, it’s sort of all goes together? Well,

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:22
well, don’t worry on cinco demayo, we will make sure that we have some margaritas here. But today, at least we’re going to be we’re going to be a while I have my MIT but I don’t have a drink with me. Either way. Today, what I wanted us to do is to, you know, we start out the conversation, we started the show each week with kind of a theme, something that we could talk about before we get into the news of the week. And I thought because of random acts of kindness day that we would have a conversation about kindness, productivity and kindness, and how those two things work together. And I’m curious from both of you, gentlemen, I’ll give you Dr. Buck the floor first, what do you think about productivity and kindness? How did those two concepts components work together?

Frank Buck, EdD 2:04
You know, they’re they’re two sides of the same coin. People sometimes think you know, those productive organized people, they’re over here and the touchy feely kindness folks are over here on the other. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Would you think of me as kind? If I sent you a birthday card on your birthday?

Raymond Sidney-Smith 2:26

Frank Buck, EdD 2:27
But how am I going to keep up with? When is your birthday? In order to get that? sleep? The two work together? Would you think of me as candy if I show up on time for a meeting with you, and unkind if I didn’t? Yeah. And if I missed that meeting, it might not I might be the kindest person in the world. But if I’m disorganized, and I don’t look at my calendar, and so forth, and so on, I come across as very unkind. And I’m not just don’t have my act together. The more organized we are, the more productive we are, the more we can. I don’t know that it makes us kind, but it lets the kindness show through that otherwise may be hidden.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 3:12
Yeah, absolutely. I know that for me, I have all kinds of systems in place to automate what I perceive to be appropriate ways to engage with people, for example, just getting birthday cards out to family members, and little things like that. And those are, those are me showing kindness. I don’t, I just don’t have to do it myself. I’ve learned systems to make that happen.

Frank Buck, EdD 3:36
Exactly. Because we just got too much going on in our lives thing, things are going to fall through the cracks. Unless there’s a really good system. going way back to the pencil and paper days, I, I bought all of my birthday cards for the entire year at one time and address them all. And then just drop them in the tickler file for when they need to go in the mail. So once sitting, I’m done. And then the rest of the year, the birthday card is popping up in the tickler file that day, they need to go in the mail. Nothing could be easier. And people were just delighted that here I’m remembering their birthday every year

Raymond Sidney-Smith 4:13
that my mother would buy birthday cards and holiday cards and different types of cards all the time. And I never really quite understood why she did it. And then I realized that she wanted to have a repository of cards that at any given time, she could show kindness by having those cards available to her. And it to this day, if I asked my mother Hey, so and so’s birthday is next week, you know, the neighbor down the street who we made me know just ever so slightly, you know, my parents have lived in their main house for many years. So they know people down down down the road, and she’ll have a card, you know, she’ll open up that drawer and there’ll be 4050 100 cards available. It’s like a little mini card store. But, but that’s that’s her being empowering us to show kindness. And I think that’s A really important piece. I know that for you a gousto, you have frequently talked to me about how are you being kind to yourself, and how being in the world of personal productivity has really worked to make yourself show kindness? Can you just speak a little bit to that because I, you know, it’s something that I intrinsically connect to you, which is this idea of productivity and kindness, both in the way in which you show it, but also in the way in which you talk to people about showing kindness to oneself.

Augusto Pinaud 5:33
Well, I like to start by saying, I agree with what Dr. Bach said, I don’t define that you are or are not, in the world of productivity or productive doesn’t make you kind or unkind, but without any doubt, being organized, and being understand some principles of productivity allows you to show kindness much, much easier than when you when you are not. And, and that really makes makes a significant difference. You know, I always tell two people that do don’t do productivity, productivity principles, organizations, for others, that it’s a kind of an act of kindness, you do it yourself. And that was one of the first things I understood when I discover the first book on productivity, I think was seven habits, or maybe First thing first. And what I understood is, oh, if I can do this, then I can be much, much kinder to my future self, I don’t need to be, you know, I can be one step ahead of some of the needs, you know, hey, do I know I’m going to meet with Dr. Bock tomorrow at five, I can plan and that means I can make it every meeting the time I want. Now, maybe not. But I will know what is happening. And I will be able to give them a heads up early, you know, I shared a story that week before with a client I have in Spain, and I was running late, I texted the person and say, Hey, I’m five minutes late. But I will be connecting, you know, I will be five minutes late, I apologize. So two minutes later, or minutes late, I text them and say, I’m already connected in this room, where are you and this person come back to me and says, Oh, I forgot that you are always on time, when you said five minutes, I estimate you’re going to be you just got a lot of his people around him are and he said I completely forgot about it. And you show kindness, on those kind of things. And you have that opportunity to show kindness. On that way being prepared, being able to do things that are going to help father and being able to, you know, show, show to that future self or to that person that is going to meet with you on the future, you know, that the time you are going to spend together is really important for you on how to value it doesn’t matter if you’re meeting with a third person or that matinees with yourself. You know, when you are able to say, Okay, I’m going to do this tomorrow, I’m going to go on and prepare for this tomorrow. And you can think about it and use the productivity to be really ready for that what you’re showing is kindness towards yourself. And what I have discovered with this is the Kinder, I am the Kinder people these with me that he was something that no, I didn’t start trying to be kind with people. So they were carrying with me. But hey, it’s a great side effect, I’m going to say.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 9:01
Yeah, something I also want to kind of point out for folks is to think about the fact that when you are working in a team environment, small acts of kindness really go a long way in persuading, but also motivating people to want to work with you. You know, there are people in my world, or at least let’s say people in my past, where they were not the kindest of people, and I did not like working with them. And so when they asked me to work on a special project or to get themselves something, get me something faster, their lack of kindness in working with me, and that could be in appropriateness. It could be in any number of categories. The fact that they were not kind people did not make me go faster, did not make me want to help them in a pinch. It didn’t make me want to do any of those things. And maybe I still did them out of obligation because they were my superior or because it was it was my job to do so. That’s that was Not the motivator, and I probably didn’t do my best work, I probably didn’t do it faster, because they just weren’t kind people. And I think that really makes a difference when we are talking in co workers and colleagues, there’s no no cost to kindness, it is it is free to do and, you know, on on actual national, whatever random acts of kindness day, and I tweeted out that, you know, now more than ever, with the amount of divisiveness that we have in the world, and the fact that strangers and or people we disagree with, I can disagree with you without being disagreeable, and we can still be kind to one another. Because at the end of the day, we don’t have to agree on everything in order to be able to coexist, and in order to be productive. And, and, and Art Gelwicks is actually noting here that respect for the time of others is a kindness. And he happens to know that that’s one of my pet peeves, which is when people don’t respect other people’s time. That is a form of unkindness. And and so I think I think, you know, absolutely, he says no productivity boost for big meanies. Yes, yes, art. So, you know, I think it’s really important for us to recognize that that kindness also makes its way into these interpersonal work environments, and they have an impact on our motivation and speed of execution. And that’s the inverse, also, people are not going to be faster for you, if they don’t like you, because you’re being kind of a jerk to them on a regular basis.

Augusto Pinaud 11:30
And also, we need to remember that we don’t know what is happening on the other side, you know, and has happened to me, you know, when you go to do something, and hey, takes me longer than, but you see the person trying and the person getting nervous, and the person gave getting anxious that that cannot, you know, do what it’s supposed to do, because he’s taking longer. Those are great moments to show that kindness. Because when you do that, you know, you don’t know what is happening. And you don’t know really what difference can you make to that person to that person day to that person live? When you show some kindness at that moment that you are seeing the person frantic? And they come to you and say, I’m sorry, this is taking long? Yeah, it’s inconvenient. Yes, 90% of the time it is. But making that person feel worse. It’s not going to make it faster. She she or he is trying their best they can. So showing that kindness help.

Frank Buck, EdD 12:37
And sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know. You’re disappointed in what someone else has done. But you don’t know what circumstances are happening on that end that are playing into that. And something that Augusto said a few minutes ago that I think is really significant to being kind to your future self.

Unknown Speaker 12:57

Frank Buck, EdD 12:59
you know, sometimes, we sort of put up with things. And then we blow up later, we must excuse the dog behind me.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 13:11
Anyone and anyone who’s listening,

Augusto Pinaud 13:14
that is, this is not a small

Frank Buck, EdD 13:15
child. This is a one and a half year old Shetland sheep dog that wants me to throw her ball at this moment. Brand new, that’s just not gonna happen right now. Sorry, we’ll do

Raymond Sidney-Smith 13:26
that. She just wanted to be on the show. She just

Augusto Pinaud 13:28
wanted to be on the show in a little bit. You want her dinner? I don’t understand. Exactly, you’re talking about kindness, but you don’t throw me the ball.

Frank Buck, EdD 13:38
Exactly. She She said he kind of throw me my ball. But I digress. But you know, I think to be kind to ourselves, to our future self, so that when things aren’t working right now, and people aren’t treating us the way they need to be treating us now, to be kind to our future self is sorted to address that now to get things on the right track, while a small problem is a small problem, so that we don’t blow up at somebody, three weeks from now, when the you know, we’re just having a bad day, and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. So

Raymond Sidney-Smith 14:15
and I frequently will also explain to people when I’m having a difficult period, I will say upfront, I am not upset with you. I am currently feeling this stress. I’m currently having this experience so that I’m very well aware that I can sound potentially harsh, you know, when I’m when I’m speaking, especially when I’m stressed out, right, if I’m distressed, I’m going to sound not the most kind Ray in the world. And I want people to know that. So I really try to explain that upfront or, you know, I’m feeling not great, my you know, my mood is not in the best situation. And so I tried to explain that to people upfront when I’m interacting with them. And that helps them know that I’m not I’m not trying to be mean or hurtful or anything else like that. It just happens to be I’m going through something. And I think the more we communicate that without with each other, the better and more productive we all can be. Because then if I say to gousto, you know, I’m having a, I’m having one of those days, you know, it’s a really, really bad day at gousto, I’m not upset with you. So if I sound that way, it is not you, then he can come back to me. And he can actually show empathy and kindness in and then step up to the plate support me in that space when I need it. And that means that I’m going to actually be more productive, because he’s taking over some of that he’s buffering me from that. And so many times teams don’t do that with each other, they don’t check in with each other emotionally, because they think it’s woowoo. Or, you know, they think it’s too touchy feely. But in reality, you’re just making the whole team less productive, because of someone sitting in the back and they’re, you know, slumped over and they’re not paying attention, and they’re grumbling, and they’re saying no to everything that you tasked them with. That’s not because they don’t want to be there. Otherwise, they would be there, maybe they don’t want to be there. But that’s a bigger problem. You know, the reality is that if someone’s having an issue that should be, that should be aired in the meeting and on the table. So we can deal with that and get back to being productive. And so often than not, I just feel like people don’t spend the time to deal with those issues. Again, I think society generally tries to, like, brush all things emotional under the carpet, and presume that nobody has emotions, we’re just robots that do work. And we’re not just machines, we are humans. And that requires us to actually look at both sides of that coin, our logical rational side and our emotional, physical side.

Frank Buck, EdD 16:32
And I think we’re pretty for the most part, understanding people, but we’re not very good mind readers. So if you’re having a bad day, I don’t know it. Unless you tell me you’re having a bad day, then I know how to adjust, you know, then I know what points to wait for another day, rather than it just all blows up.

Augusto Pinaud 16:55
And you know, that’s something that I, when I do, you know, customer service calls, and I’m calling to solve a problem, and I’m upset, that’s the first thing I start with a call, I want you to understand that I’m not mad at you. And I’m not blaming you for an issue, but I am really upset because of this things has happened. And that allows, I’m not going to say that justify being sharpened, run and uninsured with people, but at least the person understand why you are upset, you know, why? Why you are being talking that way. And I tend to have to apologize, but but it’s, you know, I want you to know that no, it’s not you, okay, but these three things has happened, these five things this thing has happened. And I’m sad about it. And that helps the other thing, it was always tell this to people being productive, and organized, is a gift that I give to myself. I don’t do organization, nor productivity for anybody. Other than me, as an effect of that people get the benefit, yes. But I really do it. Because of that future self, what I’m trying to do is make his life much better. And that, again, it’s kindness, when you can organize that. And when you can look at the calendar, see, hey, in three days, this is going to happen with with so and so. And you can plan ahead, even if it’s or, hey, I have add to my system, when I know things happen, hey, check back with so and so because of this, those little kind acts really go a long way for that person. If nothing else for that person I have for many years post in Facebook every day or almost every Thursday, again, that I will pray for you. If you have any reason for me to pray for you could just send me a message. And I will pray for you. No question asked. And it’s been really interesting the things that people have asked me to, to pray for and and that how support that little offering there has been for people with the years. And that is nothing else than kindness.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 19:20
Absolutely. I think that’s a good place. I’ll go ahead, Dr.

Frank Buck, EdD 19:25
Art just posted the little quote there. gousto bought yours just picked up when you talked about it being a gift. Like it’s a gift we give to our sales and as a former school principal. It’s a gift that we can give to young people, you know, like they aren’t just born knowing how to organize themselves and be productive. It’s something that we teach them just like we teach them their ABCs and we teach them their numbers and we teach them when Columbus sailed and all that kind of stuff. We teach them how to organize their lives and how to make the decisions that are going to lead them to success. Success in whatever they want to do. And it is a gift, definitely a gift that we give them.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 20:06
Fantastic. I’m going to leave it there. And let’s move on to our next segment from this week’s discussion to the stories of the week. And so of course, every week, we’re covering the various productivity and technology news. And so let’s kick into our first part of our stories, Augusta, what’s our first story this week?

Augusto Pinaud 20:24
So our first story is Microsoft Teams go to New productivities and tracking app. So the team’s now has a couple of Power Apps called bulletins on milestones, and it was announced on the power of blogs. And you will be able to use bulletins as a solution to empower communication into the company or departments for information that you want to share, you know, similar to what we think on the physical world, as Wilton and milestones is a way to track software. But for the people who don’t necessarily need, you know, all that heavy project, let’s just move that move the milestone knows what is happening, know where we are. And, you know, Microsoft and I have said this multiple times, I’m not a big fan of Microsoft, I’ve not been ever. But that said, I think the job they have been doing with teams lately really has been incredible. For everybody who is living in the world,

Raymond Sidney-Smith 21:33
you have got nothing to say to this. I think that it’s it’s great that Microsoft is continuing to bake more products, I guess I do have something to say about it. I think it’s great that Microsoft is baking more things into teams. I think over over the long term. I think Microsoft understands that productivity is now about his team’s is now their central point for productivity. And the more they can drive more interacting more interactivity with the team’s platform, it’s now its own platform, I guess that’s the way to kind of think about it now is that teams is its own platform. And the more tools that they they they integrate with, the more tools they integrate with teams, I think I got that right, then the more likely it is that people will keep interacting with teams, and therefore they’re going to get market share from that. Now again, from my perspective, I feel like teams just keeps trying to play catch up with zoom. And, and then Google meet keeps trying to play catch up with teams. And so

Augusto Pinaud 22:31
No, he’s not playing that game yet. I’m sorry, respectfully disagree on the bike weren’t leaving, you know, I’m not there yet. We’re still considering that, you know, the

Raymond Sidney-Smith 22:41
funny but the funny part? Well, it’s not even that it’s not even that I’m not a team’s fan. It’s just that it doesn’t, you know, the few times I’ve had to use teams, it’s been a frustrating experience. And, and, you know, I have had 1000s, probably at this point of people engage in and with me, using zoom. And the number of complaints or problems people have had, have been in the, in the handfuls not in the dozens and dozens of people who have come to me and said that they can’t engage on teams in the way that they need to. And so, again, I think that it’s just a matter of the robustness and the maturity of zoom. And we’ll see what happens. And, you know, over time, with regard to that, I’ve

Frank Buck, EdD 23:25
definitely been so responsive to their customers. You know, initially when everybody was flocking to zoom, and we had the what we call them the drive bys, or whatever the zoom, zoom bombing, bombing, yeah. You know, as the platform was new to everyone, but I mean, they were on top of that. And you have, again, just been so responsive. And by the platform, it’s so easy to use that, you know, a year ago, if you were going to try to do any video conferencing well the hard part was getting someone to understand how to download and install the software does that and now pretty much everybody has like we can just let’s hop on a zoom call boom, people know how to do it

Raymond Sidney-Smith 24:14
right and nobody says let’s hop into a team’s everyone’s just like, hey, let’s you know, let’s let’s hop into a zoom. Let’s go kind of been like Kleenex, you know, or Google, right? You Google something?

Frank Buck, EdD 24:26
You know, you can you can do Google Google. I don’t being searches like Google or like in the south, a soft drink is a coke. Well, what kind of coke would you like? Well, I’d like a Pepsi Coke, you know, soft drinks the coke.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 24:43
Absolutely. All right, let’s move along. So next, I

Augusto Pinaud 24:45
must say that what you were describing to me is a Microsoft experience. I still don’t understand what you were trying to say. But I’m going to leave it there. Okay. You know, and the next the next story. I know art who has been joking On the on the live call, you know, just sent a message that made me laugh. And it was really hard for me to finish in reading this lesson because without reading, but the next one is pocket book lounge, there are 7.8 inch reader, e reader, but the E reader has some sort of special color. And in a past episode, we talked about this about what happened when this eerie technology gets to color. And now I’m going to be able to read comics to read other things in this in color with a different rate of refresh. But now being able to use colors, I think is really exciting. I honestly believe his price right is around 300 $329 in Amazon. So yeah, it’s probably more competitive in price with an iPad, but for the people who like one device for that purpose and who are looking into have that experience to carry now, your comics collection and everything else in color in ink. I think it is a fantastic thing.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 26:13
Yeah, I see I see a lot of opportunity here with the ink pad color from from pocket book. And, again, I’m not thinking about this from a comics perspective, although I see the I see the use case there. But just from the perspective that there are a lot of books where the imagery, the illustrations make a make a big difference in comprehension. And it does detract from the book being an E book when I’m trying to read plus the size of the screen. You know, having a little bit larger of a display gives you a little bit more real estate to be able to see those illustrations. The toughest thing is when you’re on like a Kindle Paperwhite. And I and I that’s my primary, if I’m not reading a physical book, that’s my primary ereader when I open it up, and there’s an illustration, and you click on that button to expand the image, and it’s still pixelated, and you’re just trying to kind of figure out what it is. And they uploaded a color image that now has grayscale itself, as opposed to being black and white out the gate so you can actually understand it. That’s where something like this would really excel.

Augusto Pinaud 27:14
See, as you were describing that you make me think on my kids, because we might gives us Kindles. Not that the fire did the actual paper another paper wide, but the Kindle, the reader version, the previous version. And that’s the only device they’re allowed to bring to the room. And because as a parent, they can only read so I don’t necessarily mind that the books that the iPad is not allowed in the rooms. But a device like this will be great for homeschooling, as we are continuing this virtual thing, you know, all this material that it said in that it will not be appropriate to read. You know, in in the in the Kindle reader in black and white because of the graphics and the image, I did not thought about that he will be ideal on a device like this. All right,

Raymond Sidney-Smith 28:03
moving right along to our next item.

Augusto Pinaud 28:05
Next item is bridge bridge, unveils the new multi touch for the iPad Pro keyboards and the 10.2 iPad case. If you are not familiar with bridge keyboards, I think they are probably one of the best keyboards for tablets in the market. Their quality is outstanding. And I have had a couple over the years with the different iPads. And we were actually discussing about a keyboard for the Chromebook duet and I will love for the bridge to release one because I will buy it immediately. It’s it’s such an incredible, you know, well done. keyboard. So if you have an iPad, and you want to experience they had some issues with the multi touch one there, when the iOS 14 came came out, they have seemed to work on them. And the reviews now are pretty good. So if you are in the market for a good keyboard with mouse, that may be a great option for you. And

Raymond Sidney-Smith 29:05
this requires

Frank Buck, EdD 29:06
your primary thing is the iPad. I mean, you don’t use a laptop, you use your iPad. With a keyboard. That’s Yeah, yeah. So whatever keyboard is functioning for you is says a lot.

Augusto Pinaud 29:21
Yeah, that that’s an incredible the quality of that keyboard. It’s really, really outstanding.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 29:26
Yeah, so this this bridge keyboard is supposed to be kind of competing with the bridge Pro Plus is competing with the magic keyboard, in essence, and case itself they’ve, they’ve now added this function where it basically magnetically connects to the keyboard so you can separate the two pieces, which is brilliant because the magic keyboard that’s kind of the brilliance of it, you can just basically place the iPad on top of the magic keyboard and it becomes a laptop in essence, and it’s this fixed stand in that way. You are do require they require you to be in their beta currently, in order to do that you have to register for the beta in order Have the multi touch support and it’s iPad 14.5 or later. So cool stuff. Good.

Augusto Pinaud 30:07
So the next is a news that I never thought I was going to report. And he’s the Apple TV is now available in Chromecast with Google TV. And I don’t have much to say other than Wow, I did not see that coming at all.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 30:25
Oh, I did I there’s there’s no question that that Apple, Apple sees their services business as the way in which they can eke out more money out of every user, right? This is, this is revenue per user now, not the number of users themselves. So if they’re trying to increase revenue per user, they don’t want to frustrate people who want access to their content on different platforms. This is the same thing that Microsoft is doing, we are we are seeing ourselves move into that space, where Microsoft doesn’t care if you have an Android and iOS, a Linux Device or otherwise, what they want you to do is to subscribe to their cloud services, and to be using products that are using their cloud services on Azure. And the more you do that, the more money they make. And that’s all they care about. So your productivity is now tantamount to them. And that means that giving global accessibility to the Chromecast via Google TV gives you greater access to Apple’s products and services, which means that I’m more likely to keep my apple subscription, whatever it is Apple TV plus, or whatever it might be, I’m going to keep that Apple service, because I now have access to it in potentially a Google Home, including the fact that in a lot of ways, you know, if I’m a Google household, but I happen to have a couple of Apple users, that’s a that’s a friction point for people. Now we’re bridging that gap. So we’re probably like reducing the number of family fights.

Augusto Pinaud 31:51
Good luck with that.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 31:54
Do my do my part

Augusto Pinaud 31:58
will continue in Google. This is something that is interesting. I, my world runs on iOS. And because of what I do in productivity, I began experiencing with Chromebook, I wanted to be able to understand and give advice to clients about it. So the first thing I did was I got an old, really old Surface Pro to uninstalled never wears, I can test their version of that. And recently, I upgrade that to Lenovo duet. When you use the never word, you don’t have access to Android. So you don’t experience that with this duet, you have access to both things to the Chromebook application as well as Android. But the reason?

Raymond Sidney-Smith 32:50
So hold on to clarify for everybody you get when you when you install cloud ready OS, you don’t have access to the Google Play Store. So you can install Android applications. That’s the missing element. And now that now that Neverwhere which produces cloud ready, has been purchased by Google cross your fingers, we hope, yes, that the Google Play Store will come to the cloud ready platform. So so like, we’re paying attention? And if we find out that you can, we will let you know,

Augusto Pinaud 33:16
we will let you know. But in the meantime, Google is proposing that the future as it’s going to run Android and Linux natively. And that it is it is a big deal. You know, this, the it may be that I’m paying more attention to what happened on the Chrome world, because this device and the clients I have or what, but for many years, I said that Google was kind of in a holding pattern, and I don’t understand it. And now it’s been really interesting how in the last six months, they seem to me they have done really leaps forward because it’s not been a small steps has been leaps forward in this and, you know, getting, getting functional in the way they’re saying will be, I believe, a really big deal.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 34:10
Alright, so again, let me let me just give some groundwork here. First of all, for those of you who are not aware of Google fuchsia OS is an operating system that Google is building from the ground up, meaning that we are not, we’re talking five, maybe 10 years from now, few show us will come out and some competent way. So we have some ways away. But if you are a productivity developer, fuchsia, iOS is going out in a developer preview version that will be public that people will actually be able to test and run and contribute to, which is really important, because the future of all that is Google is likely going to be fuchsia. fuchsia is now saying that they want to be able to run both Android and Linux apps without having the kernels on them. That is the Linux kernel. So you can just throw an Android app onto a fuchsia opera. rating system based device, and it will run the Android application without the need for the kernel. And that’s the real power here, which is that it’s capable of reading and writing with those applications in presumably real time, without those pieces. The idea behind fuchsia is that I could put fuchsia on a car, I could put fuchsia on a on a phone, I could put fuchsia on a on a microwave, I could put fuchsia in a laptop, the the multimodal operating system that can just operate everywhere. And this is not going to be an AR toss, or anything like that real time operating system or anything like that. But I I’m very, very excited to see this kind of thing where we might see very soon, maybe in the next couple of years, a fuchsia OS phone that we could use in real in a real operating environment, where now my Android applications would just run natively on those. So this is what we’re talking about here. This is what Google’s working toward. And I’m excited to see them bring this to an open capability. All right. I’ll cover this one because it’s it’s pretty easy. So the next story is that Google is promoting the Google phone, in this case, the pixel five for the enterprise. And so they’ve built a whole site out. That is basically they call the Google phone built for business. And they are in essence, trying to advertise all of this. If you go to pixel dot Google, Google owns the top level domain, Google goog, le goog le. And so if you go to pixel Google, you’ll be taken to a page that will walk you through all of the reasons why you would want to use a pixel google pixel, in this case, the Google Pixel five in a business environment. Beyond that, it’s just a sales page. So I don’t think there’s really much more to it than that, you know, as the Google Small Business advisor for productivity, there’s no question in my mind that I think that it’s a great product. But it is just a sales page. I think it’s interesting. It’s novel, that they put this together, that they’re promoting it to businesses, specifically. But that’s B. That’s really good. All right, moving along to more interesting productivity, stuff that Google is doing.

Augusto Pinaud 37:08
So Google announced that they’re going to unify their Drive app, that is a good thing. Because really, it’s been Mike eternal complain of open a browser to sink in, on the devices that I use. It’s not to my taste, though, hopefully with this, they will fix one of my biggest pet peeve with Google Drive

Raymond Sidney-Smith 37:29
Well, in in the enterprise space, though, what’s really happening here is they’re just renaming products to the same thing. So right now they have filestream. And they have the Google Drive apps. And so with with either of them, you’re capable of running multiple accounts in those systems. And that right now is confusing people, because in filestream, you don’t know whether you’re using one tool or the other and connecting. So it’s just a bit of a confusion for people. They are now rebranding, all that is Google Drive, to one application name, backup, and sync file, stream, you name it, they will all become now the Google Drive app. And so for those who are confused by this, just note that almost immediately, the current Drive File Stream, which is in Google workspace, will now become the Google Drive app. That is nothing more than surface. It’s just a name change. After this, you will see both of those applications merge. And then everyone both on enterprise, that is the business side with Google workspace and on Google consumer side will use the same application, and it will do the same things, you will just now have one application instead of multiple. And why did they make this different in the first place? I don’t know. That’s a good question. I’m just very glad to see that they are now pulling these solutions together. So that now backup and sync and Google Drive and File Stream will now be one happy application.

Augusto Pinaud 39:00
The next news we have is an unofficial client that brings Google Assistant to the windows and the Mac. And I don’t use in particular data system, I use another one. But I would love to have my assistant everywhere and every device so I don’t need to do remember five names, or use five names and or just allow me to call it your Trudy’s okay and Cole oldest way, instead of what you forced me to tell, that will be really awesome. But the ability to bring it for the Mac and Windows, even if it’s an official capacity for now. I think it’s a really, really step, a good step in the right direction.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 39:45
You need to be super geeky to make this happen, folks. So do not think that you’re just going to go ahead and download this client and it’s going to work. It’s like, you know, 30 something steps, you need a Google Cloud account, which means you need to know how to use the Google Cloud Console. So if you do not know What I just said, you are not going to get this installed up Friday. So like this is this is a little bit more geeky than than normative. But the fact that you can do it is great. I have been working through the steps, it takes a little bit of time to, you know, set aside time. So far, I’ve put in about clocked about 90 minutes toward the first 10 steps. So and I know my way around cloud comm Cloud Console. So it does take time to kind of get these pieces in place. And what you ultimately have is really a a handicapped version of Google Assistant in your browser, and not in your browser. But in your in your operating system. I think it’s, it’s still nice to have, it is akin to what you have when you open up Google, if you go to go to And you I don’t remember if it’s still there or not, because I haven’t actually been to in a while. But yeah, it’s still there. So you have that microphone, if you click on that microphone, you can search by voice. In essence, what it’s doing is giving you some of the capabilities that you have of just searching Google generally, but then tying it to some account based items, that you’re now able to use personalized information that is information from your own account. Because remember, your your as your google assistant is in essence, accessing your personalized data to be able to provide you information, like things on your calendar, things in Google Maps, knowing your home location, and tasks that are on your Google tasks and that type of thing. It’s tying some of that data in so it’s giving you more flavor there. I don’t really know if that’s like, I get it. I understand why Google doesn’t give that to you. But I also see at some point Google’s probably going to, they want to give Chrome’s Chrome OS and Chrome devices and Android devices a leg up. They give iOS devices, the power to do that by giving you the Google application on iOS and iPad OS. So the only places you really don’t have them is on Windows OS and Mac OS. And, of course, you know, I get it, I understand that I think over time, they’re probably going to relent and build out some kind of interactivity and capability on those desktop operating. You are muted, sir.

Augusto Pinaud 42:15
The last note, also, in Google, as Google Chat prefers to migrate regular users from hanging out to Google Chat, keep a name. Okay, add functionalities, but keep a name. That’s all. I have nothing else to say about them. You

Frank Buck, EdD 42:37
know, I definitely change names all over the place here.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 42:42
So I think this is really actually a positive piece, which is Google Chat is is taking over where hangouts once was, they have been going through this methodically to be able to transition people from within the Gmail interface, in desktop, to the Hangouts environment. Also, those of us who are Google Voice users, transferring over to Google Chat from hangouts for calling purposes, and, and so on, so forth. So we we can, we’ve been seeing them make this progress toward using Google Chat as the primary new device for that. And I don’t, I have no problem with them moving to Google Chat, I find Google Chat to be a little bit clunky on the consumer side. And I would like them to make this a little bit more Google duo UI, which is just a little bit more slick. You know, if you’re using Google duo, on a consumer side, it’s very easy to use, you know, my mom can use it, my dad can use it, nobody feels, you know, limited in their ability to use that with Google Chat, I find that it It feels a little bit more corporate, and it feels a little bit more difficult to use. And I feel like they need to, they need to figure that part out. Now, if it’s caked into Gmail, just like hangouts is no problem. But the moment you come out into that application, and you go to, and you start looking at it, it kind of just looks like a slack knockoff. And it feels weird on the consumer side. And I don’t know how they solve for that. So I’m, I’m going to call it I think that Google Chat isn’t gonna live very long as a consumer product. I give it like two years, and then they’ll and then they’re going to move on to something else. So we’ll see. But the the productivity point here is that Google Chat has a whole bunch of integrations. So for example, I have a zoomed out AI bot, that in essence, every day, sends me a Google chat message. And I’ve turned off all of my other notifications, because this little chat bot, in essence reminds me about meetings. If I need to postpone or reschedule a meeting, I click a button, it does the rest of the work. It has a lot of automation functionality. I have a tied to Asana, and Trello. And what I can now do is I can interact and engage with those bots. And so I can say, hey, Trello, what are my next cards in the system that have due dates for today, and it knows the natural language and can basically give me back I give it some commands, I write some commands and it goes ahead and gives me back those responses. Same thing with With Asana, I can ask it for my tasks in Asana, and now it’s in communication with me. And I don’t have to go to another website or go to another app to get that information. So it really is helpful in that sense, because now I can say, you know what, I’ve got this other thing I want to be able to do, let me assign this to my assistant, I can go into Google Chat, type it out. And now it goes ahead and adds it to those places. So on the consumer side, now, I’m presuming we get those same capabilities, which is pretty powerful, because now you don’t have to have Google workspace in order to get that productivity edition. All right, we have one more piece of news before we hit our midpoint break.

Augusto Pinaud 45:37
So Tasker, the better five point 12.0 adds native JSON and HTML reading into their outer scheduling. I have never used this app. So I don’t have the knowledge to be able to explain it really well.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 45:57
Let me this is, this is so exciting. So if people if people know what Apple shortcuts is, this Tasker is Apple shortcuts on the Android platform, unfortunately, it is not as consumer friendly, you do need to be a little bit more coder friendly. You just need to learn this no learn how to copy and paste snippets. And you need to learn and understand a little bit more about code than the average person. It’s not difficult. There are lots of templates. And it allows you to be able to now automate things. Now again, I would I would say if you want to automate on your Android device, I would start with Google routines. Google routines, gives you so much of what Apple shortcuts gives you. And then when Google routines ends, its capabilities. That’s where Tasker takes over. Tasker is that automation tool that I really find, there’s also automate, there’s there’s an application called automate, that also does that function. But Tasker now has the ability to read JSON files and HTML, this really levels it up. And again, this is beta. So it won’t be in general release, it won’t be in the GA version for you know some time. But once it comes out, that means that it will now be able to read databases on the system, and be able to then crunch that data and use it to your effect. This is very, very powerful stuff, which means that you’ll be able to write really sophisticated automations if you are geeky enough, like I am to want to do that. Okay, so this is this is very powerful. I think this is a great addition to the Tasker platform, what I’d really love to see is Tasker become more user friendly for consumers, because then it gets the power of shortcuts that Apple has, with the power of Android being on so many different devices. So I’m looking forward to seeing what Tasker has to offer in scripts and other templates, because I’m not probably going to be trying to parse JSON files. But if it gives me the capability of doing that with just some simple scripts to parse both JSON and HTML, that’s really powerful. I want to open up several websites, copy data from those websites, and then bring them back into an application, you can do that now with this latest beta. That’s really, really powerful. Think about all the sites that are not integrated with each other. Now being able to say, well open up Chrome, Copy that, that data and bring it into my environment, do some stuff with it, and then move it there. You’re replacing hundreds and potentially 1000s of keystrokes, and and finger presses to make that happen. But I think it’d be really, really powerful. All right, we’ve reached our halfway point in terms of our stories this week. And so we are going to take a quick break for a word from our sponsor this week. And then we will be back and we’ll be talking about more stories. We’ll be covering the our our tools of the week. And then of course, our featured story this week. And so now a word from our sponsor, productivity voice we’ll see after the break.

Unknown Speaker 48:56
Are you feeling that you need help implementing a personal productivity system a goal or a habit like the weekly review? Do you need help making your current system more robust? Do you want a quick checkup of your current systems to ensure they are the best solutions for you? With more than 20 years of experience in technology, personal productivity and GTD productivity voice can help you review, renew, create or fine tune your system and your personal productivity. Visit productivity forward slash Anything But Idle for a free 30 minute consultation. Let’s achieve more enjoy more and feel more wins in the game of being productive. Head over to productivity forward slash Anything But Idle today. And now back to the show.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 49:45
Welcome back everybody to Anything But Idle. I’m Ray Sidney-Smith with Augusto Pinaud and our panelists today, Dr. Frank Buck, and we have covered our theme this week, which was productivity and kindness. We’ve covered our first stories of the week, first half For the stories of the week, and now we are going to head into our next stories section, our part B of our stories this week, a gousto. What is our next story this week? You are muted second time?

Augusto Pinaud 50:16
Well, it needs to happen once in a while. According to this new study from Android outdoor, this new study on relationships from from the name is escaping me was published on Android authority. They conducted over 2000 people and ask them the questions about annoying phone habits. Apparently, iPhone people are way more annoying than androids. And there is a lot to set in this one, then we can get into a discussion, iPhone and Android and I’m going to try to avoid it. Therefore, I’m going to remove myself and said nothing else.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 50:57
No, I think

Augusto Pinaud 50:59
that the system doesn’t it’s not you know, that fun to play and all this while the other one is fantastic.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 51:06
I think it’s this is all fun and games, in terms of of detailing the various features of the different operating systems that people use, and what they call, quote unquote, bad habits. These are just user behaviors, I don’t consider them bad habits. And so, you know, the reality factor is using a handset while watching TV or movie that can be actually quite useful. There was I forget what was the name of the there was a social network that was designed around you actually chatting during movies, and engaging in real time discussion around that. So who’s to say that’s a bad habit and just not a way to be able to interact and engage

Frank Buck, EdD 51:49
your earlier days of Twitter? I mean, that was encouraged. You know that? What do you think about what just happened? You know, during the commercial break, and what just happened with the leading character here? use hashtag. Yeah, Susie’s dilemma.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 52:07
Right, exactly. I mean, that I mean, people people are can be live tweeting while we’re having this show. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad habit. I think that’s a kind of a misnomer here and maybe a mischaracterization of these. And so like, they they put using filters on every photo as a bad habit. Now, again, I’m not particularly you know, the filter. I’m not a I’m not a selfie person to begin with. But, you know, like, I don’t care if you use filters, I don’t particularly care if you put them on every photo. There’s just certain things about this that, you know, seems to me like, they’re reaching for, you know, ways to make conflict. And so I’m not particularly I’m not particularly, you know, excited by that, even if it says that Android users make better partners, which I would, I would, I would have to see better data. clickbait titles. Yeah, yeah. But I also thought it quite interesting, because it actually tells you which genders do more of, you know, which, which is kind of interesting, as a thought experiment to see whether or not you yourself, do those things, you know, like texting while driving, those kinds of things. Men are the biggest culprits of that. That’s useful to know that I can, you know, I can think like, who in my own personal life, should I be talking to about not texting and driving, and it is likely the males in my life who are doing that. And so that will encourage me to have that positive productive conversation with them, you know, that positive conflict, which is, I want you to not die or kill other people. So it would be great if you didn’t text and drive. And that’s a conversation that I can I can think through now, because of this, in that sense, not that I wouldn’t have this conversation with every member of my family, but it just, it just, you know, confirms what I thought to be true. All right,

Frank Buck, EdD 53:56
next up an interesting article for people to read, you know, yeah, just just let’s talk about some of these habits. Do you really think it’s a bad habit? Or is or is it just really a time waster? You know, is it something that is disruptive to the other person like talking on your phone during the TV show, and the other person can’t hear? That sort of thing?

Augusto Pinaud 54:19
Yeah, it was one interesting for me because was the phone during the meeting time or eating time sorry. And, and it is funny because we, our phones are not allowed in the table. Unless we say a word text or something and he does a call, we will step away. But it is funny because the kids have catch that. And if you grab the phone or pull the phone out of your pocket, they immediately ask his work. And you’re like, yours is not work. I will put it back in my bucket. But he’s great that they can catch it, you know, better than what we can catch.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 54:54
Right? And I think that it also comes back to this point of our whole topic, right which is Like kindness, one thing that you can use are is this list and have a discussion with spouse partner and children, as well as co workers even. And really cover these, like, does this bother you, when I like when I take a picture of my food before we start eating, like, if that bothers you that, that is something that I can change, I don’t need to, you know, you know, like, there’s there are things that are potentially things we do just, you know, out of habit. But they’re not bad habits, they’re just behaviors that I’m comfortable with doing that you may not be comfortable with doing. Or I might feel like, you know what, when you use those filters, it actually doesn’t feel very authentic, it feels like you’re not being you. And so therefore that person might choose to stop using filters on every photo, and that could actually be a very good, very good for the relationship. Because, you know, like, if you’re not a celebrity, who who cares? If you look smooth and young, in every photo, you know, I think we we over emphasize the need to look, you know, like we’re perfect in every in every, you know, possible way. And if we can just remove a little bit of that maybe there’s less friction in life. And there’s also more realistic, more authentic communication. And I think that helps everybody. So I think this could be actually, you know, while at first I thought it was like a clickbait and garbage. I think it actually ends up being maybe a jumping off point for real authentic conversation. So there you go. All right. Next up is a podcast episode called resetting after a busy season, that from the lead to win podcast that Michael Hyatt does with his daughter, Megan, and who is who has just recently became the CEO of the Michael Hyatt company. And and was there anything in here that kind of stood out for you in this particular?

Augusto Pinaud 56:48
archenemy? Yes, actually, it was, it was a good episode, but it but it reminded me of things that we have, you know, sometimes I, we do automatically as a productivity people that not everybody knows when they are important, you know, I have always teach people when you go for a trip, plan, the time back, were really good at going to the trip. And then you see the people coming, you know, that Monday morning, and in two hours after they lost the four days of vacation they took or the trip, you know, and I always ask people, you know, and one of the things they said he said you will discover, you know, wise coaches scheduling time away is essential. Yeah. What is your your, you know, in the kindness that we have been discussing, what do you do for kindness? It’s no, there, it doesn’t matter that you need to sometimes push the extra limit and work more hours. But what are you doing to self care? What are you doing, to make sure that you are taking care of yourself again, then you have kindness towards yourself? The other thing that they said it’s not is? What are you doing, you know, to reintroduce yourself rhythm into your days, when you go on vacation, or even if it’s work, we don’t travel that much any right now. But we will. And when you are coming back, what is that is strategy that you are going to have? You know, I, I tend to block that half a day when I come back. Or if it’s a long trip, I tend to blog the first day completely as a recovery because otherwise, you need to come back and need to start. You know, so us as an episode on kindness, I thought it was really important to leave a couple of tips for people, you know, coming back and, and one thing that is happening, even that we don’t travel anymore, is I see a lot of people really racing on the level of the stress with all this pandemic and all the things that are happening, and that is fine. And that is normal. So stop for a moment and ask what do I need to recover? What extra thing can I do towards me? That will help me, you know, stay on a much better place.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 59:10
Something Go ahead, doctor. But

Frank Buck, EdD 59:12
yeah, you know, I did not listen to the entire episode. But guess what the first half and you know, when they talked about, you know, my other balance for right now. But then this will be over and I’ll get back to balance but then something else happens. And then something else happens. And we go from out of balance to another project to another project. And it’s just one after another and we never get back into balance and so on our balance season becomes an out of balance life if you’re not careful.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 59:43
Yeah, I think I think this persistent imbalance is something that we all have to be mindful of. And figuring out whether or not you are actually in a busy season can be difficult for people who are living in some kind of persistent imbalance. They haven’t figured out stabilization in the first place and then they experience against one instability after another instability. And that becomes an issue for I don’t really like to think of it in terms of balanced and unbalanced because there’s a presumption that you are somehow on stable ground to begin with, it’s actually instability. That’s the problem, right? We want a strong foundation. And if you’re going from unbalanced to balance, that means that your foundation is strong. But in reality, if you’re going from one to the other, and bouncing back and forth, it’s likely foundational. Your systems aren’t working for you. And or you like the the problem, you know, I, I joke about a friend who always has some kind of crisis going on in his life. And I always say, like, you like, the drama? And of course, then the problem, the response is, Oh, no, I don’t I don’t I don’t like all the all the all the, you know, craziness going on. And I go, but it’s always going on. So if you don’t like the craziness, then stop living the drama. Right. And, and that’s a that’s a real, that’s a real cause for concern for me, because sometimes people think that they’re not creating circumstances when in reality, they’re not stopping living. The instability either. Mm hmm.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:01:07
Yeah, yeah. So many people that wait to the last minute to do everything. And then they have to rush around and, you know, take this paperwork and walk it from office to office to office to office where if they had started earlier, the whole thing would have handled itself with one fourth the effort. Yep. The working ahead of deadlines, saves so much time where people say, Well, you know, a something comes up and the whole thing gets changed, you would have done all that work for nothing. Well, yeah, maybe. But you know, you wait to the 11th hour, and then, you know, you put in four or five times a bunch of work. And then here’s the next thing right after it. And you go from one crisis, one deadline to another, and doesn’t have to be that way.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:02:01
Yep, exactly. All right, moving right along to how to reinvent yourself, even if you feel you can’t. This is the pick the brain article, what do you all think about it?

Augusto Pinaud 1:02:13
I’m a big proponent of reinvention, I think it is fun. I have reinvented my self a couple of times, and, and I work with people who wants to reinvent who get to that place that I call when success tastes like failure. You know, when they look from the outside really successful, but in the inside, they’re completely miserable. And that is the perfect time to work and find the things and reinvent herself. So I think as you were saying early on the drama, The problem is not that you don’t think you can’t or cannot reinvent, is that you a lot of people don’t know where to start. They don’t know, what are the things of the current world that they want to keep versus what are the ones that they want to change, and how these are connected. And they come one day, and measure that against one set of variables, and come the next day and measure it against a second set of variables when you can work into defining those variables. reinvention comes naturally.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:03:32
not agree I I found that the article was useful. I am not particularly in the mindset to be reinventing myself at the present moment. So it wasn’t, it didn’t speak necessarily to me. But I think if someone is in that space, it gives a fairly realistic view on it, which is that reinvention is difficult. And you have to have a process for being able to guide yourself from one place to another. And there’s all kinds of reinvention, whether it’s your general persona, identity, mindset and attitude, your productivity systems, your job career role in within an organization, all of those things requires thoughtful action, and requires an approach and requires some kind of way to get there. And you need to think through the steps.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:04:18
Yeah, there has to be some vision there. Otherwise, the ox kind of goes from being over in this ditch to over in that ditch and we think the grass is greener on the other side. I’ll be this and while the same lack of preparation that caused the problem that you’re in now also causes the problem where you want to be. So maybe just kind of start where you are and try to improve that lot in life a little bit and

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:04:49
actually, absolutely. All right, another thoughtful article in how to do things you keep avoiding, and so at wrapped they talked about How to do things you keep avoiding. I actually really enjoyed this article because the analogy while it didn’t quite fit how I perceive things, I felt like it was still useful and interesting in a way, which the the article author, in essence, talks about what the what the thing is that you’re trying to do. And that thing is, in essence, like smoke screened by what he calls the cloud, right? And so your, your, your true action ends up being clouded by all of these other things that could potentially be just a distraction from the action itself. And so he talks about it from this perspective, right, I thought it was actually a really good analogy, because most of the time, that’s really what it is, there is a thing you need to do. And and what’s stopping you from doing that thing is whatever is in the cloud, right? It could be emotional blockage, it could be mindset issues. It could be distractions, by people or other people. And by others, it really gives you this sense that if you could just get through the cloud to the concrete thing, then it’s actually not as daunting or scary as you might think it is. And so I enjoyed the article for that reason. Anybody else think differently? No.

Augusto Pinaud 1:06:17
When I read the article, what came to my mind was there was a program for getting things done called getting things done fast, where David Allen is still in the story of somebody say, Okay, do you want to do I need to take what is on your mind? Take the car to the garage? Well, how long that thing has been on your mind? Well, three years. Okay, let’s go on processing to this. You know, why you haven’t take the car to the garage? Well, because I need to get the mechanic. Okay. Did you have the number for the mechanic? No. Doctor told me about the number of the mechanic. Okay, did you have them the number the number for Doctor both? I have the number from Doctor But well, then the next section is called doctor buck. But the reason this has been on your list or your mind and your cloud has the article says for three years is because you have not done that job of clarifying, you know, on the personal productivity club, we do once a month, an hour, that is called a low priority task hour. And when we come is exactly to look for these things. It’s not about do the pressing the important the critical. It’s, let’s look, what is the stinky thing on your system? Who has three years or more? Okay, the oldest thing in there, and let’s pull it out. And or do it because he was dumb, and you never did it? Because he was low priority. Let’s get it done. Or let’s spend the time clarifying what is this. So the thing, move. And it is funny because the people who has come to this event ended up leaving the event fully energized. And it’s not that they did anything critical or important. What they did was remove the cloud, I’d been able to see the sun that was behind it. Uh huh.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:08:04
Yeah, please get your critical to figure out what is that very next step. And they said sometimes that’s the thing that leads you to getting this done. The next thing, the next thing, next thing, next thing you know the project’s done. Only other hand, sometimes you do that first thing, and it was something very simple. And now you’ve opened Pandora’s box. And the next thing is not quite so simple. And the decision isn’t made. And so now, you did have something that was just in this nice, neat little box, I got to clean out the garage, one day, we’ll clean out the garage. But then you start getting in there. And now it’s five different phone calls you need to make to five different people to haul off this or that. And now what am I going to do? And you’re in the middle of some big old thing that you don’t know how to fix. But it’s it’s a mess. They got to do something with it. It’s kind of like an array, you and I have discussed several decluttering systems and like with Marie Kondo, for example, her ideas, let’s pull it all out. But then you start getting two hours into it, and you got to move on to something else in your house is a wreck. Yeah. So therefore, you resist, you don’t want to get that thing started. Because you seem to get into it, then it’s you might have bigger mess than you have to start with something, you know, it’s a double edged sword.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:09:33
Now, which is why I don’t believe in any system where you have to make that kind of investment all at once. There needs to be some way to break it down. So that you’re doing this stuff in some kind of set of phases. And I think Khan Murray does that. The konmari method does that. It basically gives you the opportunity to break things down into pieces. You know, she’s saying, okay, you’re going to deal with all of these things. First, you’re going to bring them all together. Right? Exactly. Exactly, right. So you’re doing all the books at once, but you’re not doing everything all at once. And that gives you some time to work through those pieces. So not completely critical of the konmari method in that sense. But even then, if you own 4000 5000 books, like some people, not not naming names. Yeah, if I had to take all of my books and put them out in that sense, and I am not going to ever do that, you’re gonna have to, I’ll die under a pile of books, and I will, I will die a happy man. There’s no way that I am anyway, anyway, anyway, in any way, shape, or form going to worry about having too many books. But, you know, doing that would just be too onerous for it to be worthwhile to me, versus saying, if I wanted to clean out my closet, that would be very easy, I take everything out of the closet, and I would, I would convery that thing, you know, as much as I could, right? I don’t know care about those things. Which again, brings comes to your point, Dr. Buck, which is that there’s emotion involved in everything we’re doing. Using a system to stack track and maintain something does not remove its emotion. And I think many people conflate the two of them that somehow by stacking, tracking and maintaining something, you’re somehow going to overcome the emotional impact of the things that are on those lists in your system in your periphery, it doesn’t, it doesn’t remove the emotional stuff. And we need to always be mediating those pieces along the way. Okay, snapping forward to our next article this week, which is a thing of the past the nine to five work day. What do you think?

Augusto Pinaud 1:11:40
I don’t understand how this is not a thing of the past three years ago, five years ago, 20 years ago, I’m really glad that the model is becoming obsolete. You know, and, and I’ve been saying for years, with technology, and the technology we have, there is no reason for this, we can be way more effective, doing it in a different way. But I understand that for people is hard to change. And it’s hard to change the models, you know, we have seen people, companies who are working four days a week who are doing this other creative things, what we’re seeing now, because of the pandemic is, the shift was forced. And now that we are trying to see if we are going to force it back or force it to something different, and one of the things most likely is going to suffer is the nine to five, because for most organizations, it has been proved that it works much better as it is working right now than as it was working before the pandemic.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:12:47
Yeah, and I think the article gives some really great examples of organizations that have done this, and the various pieces that go into making this work well. And I think that I mean, the nine to five, you know, Monday through Friday workweek did not develop overnight, it will take probably a generation or two for it to go away, when once we have decided that it is something of a relic, I don’t think we’ve gotten there yet. So what we will see his progressive organizations that is, you know, organizations that are thinking about the future, the future of both work and the future of remote work, and are thinking about how to get a leg up how to take advantage of this. It’s just like organizations that are setting a standard wage for people. So they’re setting salaries at $75,000. Minimum, you know, so whether you’re the making working in the mailroom, or otherwise, you’re making what is considered a living wage in at least the United States, and adjusting those dollars for wherever you might live. Those are the kinds of organizations that need to test the waters for us to see that there are viable models, we know that setting the $15 minimum wage is not a problem. But there are political forces and and corporate forces in play. And the reason for that, we know that it’s not going to impact anybody is because every time in history, we have raised the minimum wage, there has been no impact on our economy. But you know, there’s still going to be a debate, right? Because we have to have a debate about everything. So we’re just gonna see this happen. I think the same thing is implied with the nine to five workday, which is that, you know, and and the whole concept of a five day workweek and moving away from that, we are getting more automation, we’re having more globalization, and therefore knowledge workers don’t need to work as many hours in order to have the same output. And, you know, like, like, just think about it. My best ideas don’t necessarily come when I’m on the clock. So why would you even care about great ideas coming when I’m, you know, getting up in the morning or when I’m sitting at my desk and just because you want to track but in Chair time, doesn’t mean that that is productive time. And so we need to start thinking these things through, I know that, you know, for many of you who are listening and watching this is, this is like, you know, same old, right, we’ve talked about this stuff, you’re aware of it, but there’s so many people who are not. And it’s important for us to keep, you know, pushing that message,

Frank Buck, EdD 1:15:19
you know, nine to five is an easy way to keep score. Go, and to justify your, you know, your existence to justify your salary, it was, you know, a way to say, here’s the bar, this is what we expect you to make. Now, when we can measure something else, from both the bosses perspective and the workers perspective to say, this is the bar, then I think it’ll be easier for that nine to five to, you know, to go away.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:15:53
Yeah, and I think you’re actually touching on a really important point there, Dr. Buck, which is that we are in a place now where we are starting to see performance metrics that can actually be identified because of technology, and that we maybe weren’t able to see before, and it’s not going to be every, you know, job, it’s not going to be every business in every organization. But more and more, we are starting to see opportunities for us to actually identify those things. And when we are able to do that, then we’re better able to say, you know what, this person is doing the things we want them to do. And they’re doing that in 15 hours, they don’t deserve less money, because they’re not putting their butts in the chair and sitting there for another 35 hours every week doing nothing. That’s the value they’re providing to the organization. And so the more we can use technology, the more we can use, you know, good math, to be able to figure this stuff out. I think, you know, it also requires some some, I think, some forward thinking leadership as well, to, you know, be creative about what the future holds for the future of work. And, you know, there’s there’s a, there’s a post human labor force, and it’s coming, you know, it may not be in five years, it may not be in 10 years, it may not be in 20 years. But I think it’s closer than we all think. And there will be a point where labor will no longer be something that humans do. And we need to be preparing our, our human labor force for a future where they’re no longer needed. And where do what do we do when we when that happens, right. We don’t want a bunch of people just sitting around staring at the sky, we need to actually be preparing humankind for a true liberal society, like liberal meaning free society, we once upon a time sent students off to liberal colleges, because we believed in a free society, a free society was both free freedom of thought, but also freedom of time. And we are we are forgetting those those those functions of society. At some point, they’re gonna have a lot of free time. We’re gonna figure out what we do with them during that free time. It’s a it’s a, it’s a fascinating thought experiment, but also one in productivity, I think that we need to have continually because as more and more organizations get the hint, they’re going to start taking advantage of that. And they’re the ones who are going to win. They’re the ones who are going to be able to compete and win today that they weren’t before. All right, off my soapbox onto another soapbox, which is Dell Technologies put out the remote work the the remote Work Readiness Index for Asia Pacific in Japan. And this is a really interesting report. But gousto What did you think about the report was

Augusto Pinaud 1:18:36
a fantastic report, I will advise to people who is listening, go check the link slunk 22 pages, but but it was interesting, you know, to see their key findings to see what they they attitudes that people had towards remote working. And I’m going to read the five the key the five things that they found the key findings, one, the employees on that area feel prepared to work remotely for the long term. And I think that’s something that even in this case, we’re talking about Asia Pacific and Japan I think that’s pretty global right now. Secondly, employees are worried about blurring the boundaries between professional and personal life in a long term remote arrangements and you know, I I work with some real estate people as clients and it is interesting to talk to them and what’s how has changed the world, pre pandemic and post pandemic and what people were looking into houses and and some of them I say the problem is what people is looking now doesn’t exist because this has never been built. Okay. You don’t get to say, well, we need a house with two home offices. Yeah, that has never been built. Those kind of things but but they’re part of the discussion now. Okay, where I’m going to set the home office because that’s going to happen, you know, the number three is the majority of employees feel their employees are doing at least some things to provide technology and HR, resources and pandemic can show us how important some of those HR resources are, but also how difficult they are to provide in the distance in a remote position. Number four employees find the use of personal productivity tools, one of the top three tech challenges while remote working, you know, productivity equipment tools, really are ranking there. And now being remote, not everybody has the training, not everybody understand how to use the technology proper. And when everybody was on the office was much simpler than now that everybody is dispersed, and even in many cases in different time zones. So that that training comes now to be critical. And number five’s employers find the lack of in person communication, I keep challenge while remote working. And it is interesting to see depending on the personality people have, they have come to enjoy work more inside of the same organization or feel exactly what this point says that has been completely disconnected. And has nothing to do with organization has to do with what the person feel about that human contact there is people who can jump into some event, you know, at 5pm love this connect and feel they have the human needs meet and are good. And there are other people who are really suffering from this. So it was a really interesting article. If you’re watching the live call, you will see, you know, we have on the screen the productivity equipment tools, and and what people is talking about, from the equipment from the access to the resources from the stability, etc. But and if not, again, the link is in the notes. And if you can spend the time that is going to take a look, I think it was really, really interesting for me.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:22:23
Yeah, so it’s important to kind of note here like the the maxed out number is 39% of those people who were surveyed of the several 1000 of them that were surveyed, 39% of them said productivity equipment and tools was a top resources that they felt like they needed their employers to do. It was a it was something that they felt lacking in. And even when we look at this 24%, a quarter of them thought project management tools were in it were top tech resource that they needed for long term. So when when we think about the importance of technology, especially a long term remote environment, it’s not just the tools, those of us who are in the training world, right, like every week, I am training businesses on how to use these tools, both for marketing and management. So there’s always a productivity component in in mind, I think it’s so often under represented, that when you are talking to your employers about wanting to get training, those kinds of things. This is the kind of report that really stands on its own to be able to present to them and say, Hey, listen, this study shows how important having these things in place, having appropriate technical support, having appropriate, you know, virtual collaboration tools. I mean, I thought it was really remarkable that nearly 30% still believe that virtual collaboration and communication tools was an unsolved problem. Like That is insane after a year and you know, a couple months of being in a global pandemic in this kind of rolling lockdown environment we haven’t yet figured out the virtual collaboration and communications tools part in major companies. That’s a problem and I just thought it was really interesting to see this kind of rolled out for us in a very you know visible perspective

Augusto Pinaud 1:24:18
well, and it is a problem you know, this this week I I had a client come to me and say well, employees are complaining that before the pandemic we used to have a tertiary a month where we do coffee shop and it was nothing formal No, no expense really for the companies just there was everybody was invited to stop in the coffee area and chit chat for for a half an hour stop working for half an hour and come to that and say look at this print so well why you don’t make a zoom call for everybody invite everybody block their calendar. I mean, same thing you did before and for some Companies that connection hasn’t happened yet between the physical world and the things we did for our employees before old days and the things and how we can convert them into into that.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:25:14
Yeah, we’ve lost a human contact, you know, we, we have virtual conferences, and but there’s so many of them. With the person and person conference, the thing you really enjoyed was the interaction between conferences and the people you met. And those conversations that happened and the ideas that were generated between the sessions. In both virtual conferences, we haven’t been able to duplicate that. And then in the workplace, you know, the, the tasks that we can do on our own as easily at home as we can at the office. Well, that’s happening. But what’s not happening is the mentorship and the things that were happening in the hallways, the conversations and the conversations at the watercooler and the someone coming in and looking over your shoulder and going, Oh, look, I can help you with that short term. That’s okay. Long term, and now we’re a year into it. And we’re getting to that long term. That’s where I think we’re gonna see some real, something that’s just got to improve.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:26:22
And I think that there are technology solutions to all of those problems, but not long term solutions to all of those problems. Yet, wherever, right, you know, there is some necessity for people to say, for example, someone I mean, I recently saw this happening in organization, new person out of college, they start their first job, and like, what support Do they have when they’re completely working, you know, in an environment that requires social skills, and charisma, and you know, a little bit of sales, all of those things are lost When you don’t have other people around you to provide that kind of emotional support as much as mentoring. Yes, I think you’re right. I think, again, you know, some of this can be solved by technology. And I think long term, a lot of it can be solved, ultimately with technology. Think about, you know, virtual reality being competent enough that you don’t recognize that you’re not in virtual reality, right. Those are, those are places where we can go. But until that time comes, it really is helpful to have some people in person, and maybe that those are maybe the most senior people and the most junior people being able to interact and engage with each other. So there is that mentorship and help along the way. We’ll see we’ll see. All right, we’ve reached the end of our stories this week. And we just have two more segments, which are our new tools of the week. And then our featured story this week. So of course, our new tools of the week, are the fact that Augusto and I scour the interwebs for our stories every week in the productivity and technology news. But of course, we come across a bunch of stories, a bunch of tools that we think you might like. And so we try to share those tools with you. And so this week, we have three tools, I have one, Augusto has two. And so we are going to bring those up on screen for you to be able to see them, I just need to get my technology working correctly to do so my tool is actually kind of in line with our our theme this week, which is of course random acts of kindness and productivity. Hold on a second, I need to find my screen here. There we are. So I thought I would show you something that I thought was really interesting. So the random acts of actually has a set of printable calendars on their website. So if you go to random acts of, forward slash printables, you will then find this page. They’re fun, and they’re free. And you can download them and each of the calendars so like let’s pick February, you can in essence, download and open up that calendar. And each day, it has a little task on every day. So like here today is the 22nd right. So it says get involved sign up for a community related cause tomorrow on Tuesday, the 23rd. leave a note on the public restroom mirror that says You look amazing, maybe not at the office, they may be considered harrassment. On Wednesday, the fourth, the 24th it says leave an inspiring poem or painting somewhere in the community for someone to discover just like little fun things, you can change them to be molded to the needs of your situation. You can be creative with them. But it’s just a nice way to show kindness in unique and interesting ways. And they give you these for the entire year. And so if you’re interested, you can print them and even print them in color for your kids. put them up on the wall and make a fun game of it and do something kind to other people. And it can be even productive because you can like don’t break the chain with it right you can like cross them off and make sure you don’t break the chain so that you can keep active and kind at the same time. Okay, so what is your What are your tools this week?

Augusto Pinaud 1:29:59
Well The tool actually, that I brought was a smart import for Trello. That was what I thought first, okay, and it was a it is an application that allowed to import cards from Excel or CSV files. But as I was looking into the excitement of the tool, say, Oh, wait, when a smart import people create an application, what they did first was create a smart export application. And then because they figured that out, then they create the other one. So I decided to bring both one. So if you need to import from your CSV or your Excel files into Trello, this is the app. But if you want to go the other way that I think is really useful, okay, when you want that way, you don’t need to share Trello you don’t need you can put it in an Excel sheet, not everybody understands the dashboards and Trello. And need, you know, more functional Excel sheets are now this tool will allows you to bring it out and share it with people in a CSV or Excel file.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:31:04
This is phenomenal, especially when you have these one time transitions between tools, I can see that I can also see it being an ongoing thing. I’m now thinking my wonder if you can you can automate this so that it’s on an on a regular basis, paying, you know, taking the payload from one tool into a CSV, and then handing that over to Trello on a regular basis. That could be really interesting. Also, I’m gonna have to play around with it, I’m gonna have to play around with this, this is this is a this is gonna eat up a lot of time. And now I’m, I’m upset with you.

Augusto Pinaud 1:31:37
It’s my pleasure. It’s my pleasure.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:31:40
It’s It’s fantastic. All right, those are new tools of the week. And with that, that takes us to our featured story this week, Our final story is usually and tries to be our biggest story of the week. And of course, in in line with the boosters tool about Trello power up, or the Trello power ups to smart import smart export is the fact that Trello is has undergone now a completely new redesign. They have built Trello with the new interface and a whole bunch of new features. And so where do we get started with the new Trello? You are way first?

Augusto Pinaud 1:32:16
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this time, this time, I’m not giving it to you, you have catch me twice this time, I was completely aware of it. Well, there was a lot of changes from from Trello, as they said, you know, after a decade growing on the visual framework, it was time to to make something good. And there, there is a lot that that was changed under the board, you know, now you can have new views, you know, a timeline of table and dashboard, a calendar, we, in ProductivityCast, this schedule, leave in there and synchronize to the calendars of everybody but lifts really in a card in Trello. And that used to work incredible the timeline. Not everybody. Not every organization needs Microsoft Project. Okay, but the timelines are sponsors. See, I tried to not say be kind on my Microsoft keep my line about things.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:33:26
No, it’s not about lack of kindness. It’s just that not everybody needs the complexity of the tool. Right. And, and project is it project is a professional tool. And so those who need project are professionals, you know, who are professionally project, managing projects, and for the rest of us who are not professional project managers, but still need a tool to support us. Enter Trello

Augusto Pinaud 1:33:48
and Trello with the timeline view that it’s designed on the way you are used to Trello really see really intuitive, it is really, really fantastic. I there are you know, the dashboard views the idea of have a dashboard inside of Trello. I think it’s going to be you know, really life changing into making this project in the front end of everybody. You know how you can now link cards, you can board cards, you can mirror cards, the mirror component. For me, I was jumping in here in my office of excitement because there are certain boards that gets shared and I use the link but it’s not the same mirroring discards. Now I can put them in my board and be really, really happy. The navigation really, they did, I think for something that is really really difficult as his recode and redesigned Google heavy, redesigned ideas. They did an incredible job. And as they said at the beginning of their article, Tyco is still here to help. And if you don’t know who taco is, taco is the doc. So I think it’s exciting I, I use Trello, for a lot of things. And I recommend Trello for a lot of things. So I’m excited about it.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:35:17
Yeah. So there are four new new views as they’re calling that. So not just the card and ListView now, but now you’re capable of seeing your your board view, as it normally was kind of Kanban style of it, you now can see it in a timeline perspective, a table perspective, think air table, dashboard perspective, think Google Analytics, and then calendar perspective, which was a power up, you know, to start with, I mean, they have this power up view. Now, it’s basically baking it in and becoming a part of the way in which you just can see Trello. In that way, I think I’m just as excited about you with mirror cards, once it comes, mirror cards are not yet available, but they are coming. And, and I’m looking forward to that having the ability to link cards back and forth. As you noted, you can link both cards and boards from within a card. And that’s nice. But now having a single central source of truth as it as it pertains to that particular data, I think cannot be understated. So many times, I will be working with a client. And we’re trying to get all of the information across several boards, working for the way in which I work versus the way in which they work versus the way the way in which some other associate in the company works. And they want to be able to have those boards look different, but operate seamlessly together. And now those mirror cards are going to be able to solve for that for that purpose. The other part that I’m really excited about is your ability to see data across both boards, that ability to be able to filter across boards and see them seamlessly together, I think is going to be really, really powerful. Just kind of generally, I think Trello saw the writing on the wall, which is that you had a lot of competition from a lot of different technologies, click up an air table and and Kota and notion and otherwise, we’re really chomping at the bit and taking a little bit of Trello users from here and there. And they decided to really step up their game. And I feel like they’ve done a really, really good job here of making this look great. Any any other thoughts before we move along? trying to think if there’s anything else here, yeah,

Frank Buck, EdD 1:37:26
I’m really not a trailer music course I understand the concept. I’ve nothing that I hadn’t really needed in my workflow. But have certainly seen so many articles in the last week pointing back to this enhancement in Trello. And so much over the last what year, I guess as far as clickup. And trying to take some of what Trello has.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:37:49
Yeah, I’m really interested also. Oh, go ahead. Sorry.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:37:53
No, say I think it’ll be interesting to see how this whole thing shakes out. Yeah, I’m

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:37:57
actually also interested in seeing how the new navigation works. I have not yet seen the new navigation, you know, they’re rolling it out to folks, I’ve not yet seen it. And maybe I just haven’t looked myself yet. But I haven’t seen the new navigation. I’ve only seen other demos of people showing it to me. So I’m really excited to actually see the new navigation myself, and to see which parts are you know, because you have the show menu on the right hand side. And then you have the navigation on the left hand side, that remapping of that side navigation, I’m hoping is more useful. I never use it. And I never use it because I don’t find it to be all that useful. So I’m hoping that it becomes something that’s really more useful and applicable. And I’m looking forward to seeing that in. I just don’t know if I’ll use it. So I’m really curious if anyone who’s listening or watching, if you do end up using it, tell me how you do because I’m I don’t I just don’t see myself using that navigation. The search is so good. I jumped to things from search, and I linked to various boards outside of Trello and enter that way. So I don’t see myself ever going to Trello and then going to the side navigation and looking for things. I always find myself entering the board and operating within that board. But maybe you have some cool way that you use it. So let us know. Let us know. All right. Augusto. Anything else? No announcements? No wonderful week. Fantastic. That brings us to nearly the end of the show. Dr. Buck, thank you so much for joining us here on Anything But Idle pleasure. How do folks keep up to date with you and your work?

Frank Buck, EdD 1:39:28
Okay. Frank Buck dot o RG. Come on over. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at at Dr. Frank Buck. In other words at Dr. Frank Buck. Those who are watching see it there on the screen those who are listening. Of course don’t see it there on the screen. Do we do we want to announce the summit that Francis has because I think aren’t all three of us?

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:39:56
Yeah, yeah, we can actually I can actually make it Yeah. So Go for it.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:40:01
Yeah, it’s the coldest task and time task and time blocking summit, task management and time blocking. So I’m speaking at You don’t even know the name of it, but March 4 through six. So that’s a week from now as we’re doing registration is free. So for those who watch live, it’s free for those who want the replay, etc, etc. So time blocking summit dot info for those who are listening. Now for those who are watching course you’re, you see the URL time blocking summit dot info, register for free. I’m speaking on remember the milk. So if you’re looking for a good Task Manager, will show you the ins and outs of that go into to some depth, entering things with your voice, some good keyboard shortcuts, I think you can enjoy that. Right? What are you? What’s your zone?

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:41:07
I’m gonna be talking about implementing Evernote for task management. So I’ll be talking about task management in Evernote. And yeah,

Frank Buck, EdD 1:41:14
and then gousto you’re also proceeding?

Augusto Pinaud 1:41:17
I am I am talking my presentation is going to be called getting things done together with does B teams and talking about how to implement knots B team in an organization to really getting things done.

Frank Buck, EdD 1:41:32
Yeah, I think those are all going to be good. And a lot of other good speakers is going to be a good event. So and the price tag good free phrase good.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:41:43
Complimentary, complimentary. Free is good. All right. Wonderful. Thank you so much, Dr. Buck for joining us here on Anything But Idle as always. All right. Already gousto than they were us to. All right. Thank you so much as always, every week for getting Anything But Idle together for us to bring it to air.

Augusto Pinaud 1:42:02
It’s my pleasure.

Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:42:03
All right, everybody. We’ve covered the productivity and technology news this week. If we missed a story we may have, feel free to visit our contact page on Anything But and or tweet or DMS on Twitter at Anything But Idle. If you have a question or comment about anything we discussed on the show, if you go to the episode page there on the episode page is a comment section you can go ahead and leave comments or question while you’re on Anything But Idle, you’ll find our show notes. Those have links to all the stories we discussed, as well as our tools of the week. And an extra story sometimes that we can’t cover in the live show, as well as a text transcript both in PDF for download, as well as your ability to just click on read more, it’ll expand it and you can read it there while you’re listening or watching because we do embed the video on the page as well. If this is your first time watching the live stream, feel free to hit the thumbs up icon as well as subscribe to the channel so you’ll be notified about our our weekly live streams. If you’re listening to the podcast after the fact, feel free to consider adding us to your favorite podcast app just go ahead and click on subscribe on Anything But you’ll find instructions on how to follow us and get the episodes downloaded for free every week. If you’ve enjoyed spending this time with us, feel free to click the thumbs up icon as I said, and if you are listening to the podcast, leave us a rating or review in Apple podcasts or Stitcher that helps us to send to the podcast gods that we’re doing the right things and that helps to increase our personal productivity listening community. And so thank you for doing that. With that. We will see you all next time next week on Anything But Idle. Here’s your productive life.


Download a PDF of raw, text transcript of the interview here.

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