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This week, we discuss goals planning for the new year, in light of the changing circumstances. What are your goals for 2021?
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In this Cast | Goals! Episode—What Are Your Goals?
Derek Reinhard
Productivity in practice seems to be where everyone looks this time of year. Books are great, tools are great, resolving to actually do what is important is where we fall down so often. Derek has been working personal and organizational productivity practices since the ‘80’s. He spent 20 years in the United States Air Force as a pilot and an operations planner. He is certified in Knowledge Management and a PMP (Project Management Professional). Recently retired from federal service, he has written two brief “how to” books on using GTD with the Bullet Journal and with Goalscape.
Frank Buck, EdD
Most people are overwhelmed by the amount of paper and digital information in their lives. Frank Buck makes organization easy so you can increase productivity, decrease stress, and enjoy life. Global Gurus ranked Frank #1 in the world in the “Time Management” category for 2019 and 2020. His career path took him from band director to principal to central office administrator and now to productivity coach and speaker.
Headlines & Show Notes | Goals! Episode
Resources we mention, including links to them, will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.
This Week’s Theme… Goals! Episode—What Are Our/Your Goals? Goal Planning
Stories of the Week
- Google brings tab search to Chromebooks with Chrome OS 87
- How to block out distractions to boost productivity on your Chromebook this year
- This E-Ink Monitor Is a Dream Come True for Coders and Writers
- Kindle Lending Library to close on January 4th 2021 – Good e-Reader
- Amazon Acquires Podcast Startup Wondery
- Samsung officially confirms Galaxy S21 event for January 14th
- Why the Hybrid Work Model is the Future of Remote Work?
- Microsoft hacked
- Prioritize Your Tasks and Master Productivity Using the Eisenhower Matrix – The Good Men Project
- New Year resolutions with iPhone: How to acheive your goals
- Apple loses copyright battle against security start-up Corellium
- How to uninstall Adobe Flash Player from your Mac
New Tools of the Week
Augusto and I come across many personal productivity tools and services each week. In this segment, New Tools of the Week, we each bring you a tool we think you might like.
New Tool 1 (Ray)
New Tool 2 (Augusto)
New Tool 3 (Derek)
Evony (for fun)
New Tool4 (Frank)
Raw Text Transcript | Goals! Episode
Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).
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Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:00
Hello personal productivity enthusiasts and community Welcome to anything but idle. The Productivity news podcast today shows brought to you by W three c web services. And I’m Sidney-Smith
Augusto Pinaud 0:10
and I’m used to be known,
Raymond Sidney-Smith 0:11
and we’re your hosts for anything but idle. Each week we bring you Oh, I’m sorry, this is Episode 37. The goals episode, what are our and your goals, and we’re gonna talk about goal planning, and we’re recording this on January 4 2021. Each week, we cover and discuss the productivity and technology news headlines of the week. And to do that we bring on two panelists usually, and we have two panelists today with us to talk about all things in personal productivity and technology. First and foremost, we have Dr. Frank buck back with us. Most people are overwhelmed by the amount of paper and digital information in their lives. Frank buck makes organization easy so you can increase productivity, decrease stress, and enjoy life. Global gurus ranked Frank number one in the world in the time management category for 2019 and 2020. His career path took him from band director to principal to Central Office administrator and now to productivity coach and author. Welcome to anything but idle Frank.
Frank Buck, EdD 1:07
Alright, it’s great to be here. Happy 2021
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:11
ditto ditto. Welcome to the show. And in our rounding out our panelists panel we have Derek Reinhart productivity and practice seems to be where everyone looks this time of year. Books are great tools are great resolving to actually do what is important is where we fall down. So often, Derek has been working personal and organizational productivity practices since the 80s. He spent 20 years in the United States Air Force as a pilot, and an operations planner. He is certified in knowledge management. And he has his PMP, which is a professional project management professional certification. He recently retired from the federal service, he’s written two brief how to books on using GTD or getting things done methodology with bullet journal and with goal scape. And so with that, welcome to anything but idle Derek. Is your this is your first time on?
Derek Reinhard 2:01
Yeah. Yeah, for podcasts in general. So
Augusto Pinaud 2:06
it’s awesome. All right.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 2:09
So with that, what we’re going to do today is we’d like to open up the show, usually with a theme. And and so for those of you who are watching, we’re going to be talking about goal setting. Before we get into the news today. And what I wanted to kind of cover with you all, is, in a year, like last year, coming into a year, like this year, we were in the midst of a pandemic, a global pandemic, people are in varying stages of working from home and working virtually as well as going out there and working in hybrid environments. Now, what are the kinds of goals you think people should be setting? Or maybe how should people be approaching goal setting in the context of the kind of life circumstances? And what are some of the goal planning practices that you know of, or would would share with others out there, and I’ll start, I’ll start while you think, which is that? for many, many years, I’ve actually talked about the idea of gold planning off the calendar year, which is to say that if you were born in December or January, I’m sorry, I can’t help you. But for the rest of us, you’re you’re likely born in in, you know, a month, that was not January or December, necessarily. And and so for those for the rest of us for the other 10 months of the year, you can actually start your year in your birth month. And I actually think it’s quite useful to start in your birth month, for a number of really good reasons. One is, that’s when you started on the planet. So that’s where you should probably begin planning in terms of a personal calendar year. Two, if it’s not in January, December, that it usually actually reduces stress. Because around this time of the year, you know, culture dictates that you do all of these things that take up time. And there’s this pressure on you to to prepare and plan and, and, you know, reflect all in this concentrated period of time. And I just generally don’t like to feel that pressure. So my birthday happens to be November. So I spent the month of October actually doing reflection and planning for November 1, which ends up being my, my new year, my personal calendar year, new year. And that really offsets the rest of the year for me in terms of you know, right now, I’m already in the third month of my first quarter of the year. So for everybody else, you know, they’re kind of behind me and in a way, right, because I’m working toward next year’s goals already. And I’m in that process. And so that’s just one of the little tips that I like to give to people is like if your birthday is not, I mean, even if it isn’t January, December, start your year where you started on the planet. And I think that really just helps, you know, reduce some of the stress.
Augusto Pinaud 4:51
No, I when I coach clients, I always tell clients, that we humans are awful. I had calculated what We can accomplish on a year, or even worse on estimate what we can accomplish in three. So when I ask people, you know, Hey, what are you going to do in the next year? Well, they come with this long list. But when you ask them what you’re going to accomplish them in three, they add two or three things to that long list that they’re going to accomplish in the next 12 months. So one of the things I do with them is work into executives into calculate what we want to accomplish in three years, what we want to accomplish in a year. And from there, we split it up in 413 weeks, so that way, the 13 weeks, it’s much easier to recalibrate much easier to calculate, and much easier to work into those goals.
Frank Buck, EdD 5:49
Yeah, yeah. For my and I spent so many years in education. My gear was always starting in August, you know, it was the June and July, where you were setting up everything that was going to make the school year successful. So that was sort of the one downtime that you had, it was the time where hardly anybody else was in the building, you know, soon after School’s out, you could get lots of things done, you could spend a half day you could spend an entire day on a project, which you can’t do that during the school year, your day is so fragmented. So, you know, mine was always the the academic year. And, you know, I gousto I guess I was kind of being one of those that when he asked me my three year goals, I’d be kind of hazy, because I, I tend to not plan so far out, because there’s so many variables. As I look back over the things that have really made a difference in my life, and the things that I’m really proud of three years before those things happened, I would not have predicted those things were going to happen. Some of them weren’t even on the radar. So, you know, I try to be flexible and be able to take advantage of
Augusto Pinaud 7:10
the demo. And it’s not about loosing the flexibility in any way, shape, or form. But it’s about making sure there are big, big goals that you want to accomplish that you can work in them. It’s not necessarily to have a really long list, but or longer is not meant to have at least three times what you want to accomplish on a year but one to envision what kind of person and I tend to talk about 11 categories health, learn and grow there, your emotional life, you know, your spiritual lives, your character, your your love, your love is your significant other your parenting if you have kids, social life, relationships, your career, your financials and the quality of your life. And it is important to look where you are doesn’t mean you’re going to be there. But if you don’t aim to somewhere in any place will do. So sometimes aim to Okay, you know, worried the next three years, I would love to be able to do X and having that goal in mind help you to navigate that the time between now and then.
Derek Reinhard 8:16
Yeah, and I’m with you on that. I think one of the things that maybe it’s just some little more right brained or something is the zoom, the zoom out and and looking at, you know, what, what is your mission? You know, working through that. That’s that’s one thing that I think that David Allen has kind of given a nod to Stephen Covey as far as Yeah, you work, work through that and get your mission. And then what does it look like in those roles? Like you were saying, I’ve got so and then what would be those goals to those roles which match up with your, your vision? I think that was this picture of a ship with three spotlights, yeah, lighthouses to get into this treacherous Bay, and you have to line all those up in order to get to where you want to go safely as well. So yeah, the goals can be they’re they’re backed up by those roles, those accountability, roles, as David Allen discusses, then you have that mission, which is, is that burning? Yes, that Stephen Covey talks about? So you line up all of those, and then step through what does what is each one of those measurable activities that you do that’s going to move you in that direction and and fulfill your mission?
Raymond Sidney-Smith 9:47
And this is a little bit of a tip, I guess, for folks, which is that there’s a psychological construct based on on research, that is when you try to set goals, try to use the smallest increments for reaching that goal, so what I mean is, if I say I’m going to, you know, lose 10 pounds in a year, that’s not particularly useful, versus saying, I’m going to lose one pound a month, or say, I’m going to lose half a pound, every two weeks, by basically saying, in 26 weeks, I’m going to lose this amount of weight each week, you’re much more likely to reach the goal, because you’ve broken it down just like any larger project, when you break it down into its elemental parts, you’re more likely to be able to understand its achievability based on those smaller pieces. But there’s also that psychological trick when you think, Okay, well, I’m going to do this in a year, well, what does that mean to to, you know, write a book in a year, but when you say, I’m going to write, you know, 2000 words a week, now, at the end of the year, you have, you know, enough material to actually turn into a book. So just remember that your you’ve got to work backwards in that sense, and then break things down. So there’s some retrospective or, or, you know, reverse planning that’s required, inclusive with breaking down the goals to the smaller, you know, kind of sub goals, but the smaller projects on your way toward the larger goal. Oh, yeah,
Derek Reinhard 11:05
they, and they losing weight. That’s the time of year everybody’s doing that resolution, sort of the opposite. For me,
Raymond Sidney-Smith 11:13
I’m trying to gain weight.
Derek Reinhard 11:16
But yeah, the losing weight is a lagging indicator, where you’re and this is we were just before I retired from federal service, we’re talking a lot about leading lagging indicators in our shop, and that those lead indicators are, what are those things? Can we measure now that are showing that we’re going to meet that lag indicator, so you know, as far as weight goes, it’s x amount of calories, it’s, you know, X amount of exercising or something like that. Those are lead indicators to the lag indicator of actually changing your body shape your weight and that sort of thing. So, yeah, two sides of the same coin there. But good point.
Unknown Speaker 11:59
Frank Buck, EdD 12:01
Yeah, Ray, if you’re trying to gain some, I’ve got some pounds that I will give you. And I remember the days when I was also trying to gain weight, so don’t Don’t worry, it’s gonna it’s gonna happen.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 12:13
I don’t think my I don’t think my genetic code is is disposed to that idea. But I will be I will be happy to have a little bit more muscle not not necessarily muscle either
Augusto Pinaud 12:24
way to let me know, I’m first. Second.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 12:30
Back on actual topic, for one second, because there’s so dark, can you can you explain for viewers and listeners, the concept of lead and lag indicators, because I think this is really useful for people to really understand when they’re goal setting, which is to understand what those two components are, can you just briefly describe that for folks. So they have an idea about when they’re setting goals, which indicators which measurements to look for,
Derek Reinhard 12:52
oh, wow, gets me on the spot on that. But it’s almost like measuring cause measuring effect sort of thing is, is that I mean, and taking, you know, the the weight and the health piece as well is that you’ve got this, this actual mission or accountability of, of being healthier. And for, I’d say, You’re most of us, you’re accepted there as far as wanting to have lower heart rate wanting to have a lower BMI, body mass, and K, that sort of thing. So then you go back and say, okay, in order to feel healthier, more energetic, and that sort of thing, I need to lose weight, that’s lag indicator, the lead indicator is like I was saying caloric intake, amount of aerobic exercise. So the it’s almost like the lead indicators are the how you can measure these house steps, which then will result in the goals, those lag indicator goals that you’re looking for. And I met a lot other than you know, and I’ve got we joked in our house, the COVID-19 is that I’ve got the 19 pounds from COVID. Time, so
Raymond Sidney-Smith 14:16
yeah, so we can think of think of a lead indicator as predictive, where as a lag indicator was retrospective. And and so just like when you’re planning out your goal, just remember that you have those two different measurement capabilities. And as you noted, lead indicators are going to be more useful to you in so many ways,
Derek Reinhard 14:34
because those are the ones that you’re controlling and, and that if you’re meeting those as direct consequences, as long as you’re playing, I’ve got the I’ve identified the appropriate lead indicators that will result in this lag indicator, this goal. Yeah,
Frank Buck, EdD 14:51
you know, and that that’s a huge conversation in the educational arena. You know, we give the high stakes test every spring and by the time you know you get the result Back with those kids have already graduated. Some of the teachers have retired it. Yeah. And so here’s the results on how well you taught last year, we call it the autopsy, you know, and you know, and there’s nothing you can do about it at that point, the numbers are what the numbers are. And, and so coming up with a serious augmented delete indicators, what can we measure on a more frequent timeframe so that we can adjust as we go? And what are the things? What are the things that we know we should be doing? So that the results would be good? Are we doing those things that we can measure? Yes or No, whether we’re doing those things, just like we can measure how much we’re eating? How much we’re exercising, right?
Raymond Sidney-Smith 15:51
Augusto Pinaud 15:53
Um, that’s one thing that when we work, when I work in coaching, I coach clients into these goals on this, I said, there is two parts of this, there is the vision on this 11 things I mentioned mentioned, and there is a strategy for this things that you are now putting in. So if you’re saying for your health, you know, hey, I want to lose 25 pounds. That’s a great, that’s your vision for that goal. But now, let’s turn the page and I actually do the exercise for the client as turned the page. And then on the other side of the page, let’s write now the strategy, how are we going to make those two pounds every other week? Or how we are going to make What? What kind of changes? Can you actual measure that are going to take you to that vision? Because the problem I see I see for many years is people create this vision and the visions are pretty. But then there is a complete disconnection between one and the other. So what you have is the next December we are going to do enough to see, as Dr. Frank was saying, say, Well, okay, we did not lose the 19 pounds, we gained five, Well, okay, let’s, let’s know, aim for 25 for next year. But when you can now look and tweak the, the goals in general, don’t change. But there’s one thing that is really important, you know, when Derek was mentioned, getting things done, and the first time I read about the reticular system was the first time I read getting things done by David Allen. And there is something interesting about that about saying, hey, I want to do lose the 120 pounds that that never give it to me. But when I change that goal for I want to eat healthier, okay, and I want to learn to eat healthier. That changed for me, and I told the story, then, what is now 2021. So this will be 11 years ago, I was 400 pounds. Okay, that was a peak of the heat of what I got. And now I tend to joke that I’m half the man I used to be. But he was not because of the pounds before that I did that, you know, 12 pounds, what is that? He said, Greg Garcia did fine, let’s do 20 pounds for next year. And instead, keep it growing. Because that’s one thing that is really important on that goal. If you cannot envision yourself there, you’re never going to make it and for most people, and vision pounds, it’s really, really, really, really hard.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 18:33
Yeah, so the folks who are are not aware of the reticular activating system. And what he was talking about in terms of reticular formation is that very, very simply, is that brain mechanism whereby which if you see a red car, then all of a sudden you start seeing more and more red cars, it is that concept of habituation of our stimuli. So the so you know, it covers all things, behavioral arousal, consciousness, all kinds of things are a part of that system. And so anyway, the the whole concept of goal planning is so fascinating to me. And I appreciate everybody’s thoughts here. And so with that, let’s now close out this segment and move into our stories of the week, at least part A of our stories of the week. And so with that a gousto Oh, by the way, for those of you who are watching and listening, I did pick up two articles that I thought were pretty interesting about gold planning and whatnot. I’ll throw those into the show notes. So you’ll have those when you listen to this later. But with that Google a gusto. Let’s get into stories of the week. And what is our first headline disputer You’re still muted. First, first time of the year,
Augusto Pinaud 19:42
first time of the year needs to happen, I promise is not going to be the last one. So the first one is, Google brings top search for Chromebooks with Chrome 87. And it’s an old news it’s happening beginning of December we just happen to not have had the chance To bring it to, to the news. But finally was prom 87, you can start searching into those types that make powerful, really powerful. The Chromebooks that are using Chrome 87, the ability to not only that you can have bazillion of those tabs, but now that you can actually open them, it is a really, really powerful thing.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 20:24
Yeah. So for those of you who might be confused if you’re in your Google Chrome on a normal desktop browser, now in the latest version of Chrome, sorry, I’m one of the Google Chrome product experts. So I can’t help myself, but jump in here. But the but the idea here is that when you’re in normal Google Chrome, you will now start to see if you’re in the latest version, which you should update to the latest version. If you type the name of any tab, that is it is that is currently open, you will see a drop down list from that omnibox. And in there, you will see switch to tab a little chip that will show up they’ll say switch to tab. That means you have an open tab with that content in it. And you can go ahead and click on that. And it will take you there as opposed to opening up a new tab and taking up more resources. What degrussa just noted, that is happening in Chrome 87, once it comes out, is that you’ll now be able to click a little it’s already out actually because of the delay in news, but you’ll be able to click in Chrome OS, that means if you’re on a Chromebook, you can click a little down arrow in the top right hand corner of your browser, and you’ll see a drop down list and then be able to search your open tabs basically all of your open applications, which is just a really, really useful and helpful new tool. So with that, let’s move our way along and gousto to our next news this week,
Augusto Pinaud 21:33
and we continue in the Google world. And the next one, it’s a great article from Chrome on boxes that even if you are not on a Chromebook, it applies to most of them. And it’s how to block out the distractions to boost productivity in 2021. And one of the things that is interesting with technology is how much the badging and the notifications and we are self inflicting all these distractions in ourselves as if we don’t have enough distractions. Okay, we also have the batch and the notification and the corner thing come in and the other corner for the other application. So the article comes a couple of tips on how to deal with this how to specifically in Chrome, limit the volume and limit the notifications also talk about a pomodoro application that you can put on your amazing.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 22:28
So if you guys don’t know about this is the Pomodoro. pw a which is a progressive web application. And you can actually use this with your with Google Chrome, so it’s not limited to anyone Alas, so you could just go ahead and get pomodoro pw a go to the article, click on the link, and in essence, create a little tiny mini app that then you can just like drag around on your screen. And it’s super, super helpful. Awesome. So yeah, the chrome unboxed articles is full of these little tips that is well worth checking out.
Augusto Pinaud 22:55
Yeah, um, the other thing they tell us about organized or lounger and working with virtual desk, task, tap groups and, and everything else. And, you know, the more we spend time in in the browser, in Chrome mean, edge means Safari, really, it’s the more important is to learn and understand how to get the most out of it, how to reduce it, the distractions doesn’t matter what you do. You know, the reality is we spend way more time I remember when I wrote 25 tips for productivity. One of the tips in there was to use two browsers, you know, one for work, one, four, to play. And part of the reason was the distractions. And it is interesting to see eight years later, that that distraction, we are not even close to get better, we have been getting worse and worse and worse. So it is important to learn how to manage and work with those distractions. The next one, it’s unused that you should introduce Grace is this is your dream setup, I think.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 24:04
All right, so this is an article, I believe from what was it from Oh, so make use of it was I thought it was going to be a good, good ereader article. But either way, it’s called a paper like 253. This is a 25 inch high resolution grayscale monitor. But it is a little bit more powerful than that because it’s e ink, which means that it is drawing limited power, and is this amazing high refresh rate, grayscale e ink display. I mean like that is just amazing in terms of technology to think that we’ve come this far in terms of eating technology. And so those of you who are using Kindle Paperwhite line or if you’re using any other e reader that allows you to be able to write on the surface with E ink. You just have to understand that the technology is very slow refresh rate. It just takes a lot of time for that technology to to crystallize those pieces, whatever the you know chemical thing that’s going On, and so that for them to be able to create a monitor that is palatable, I mean, it’s not going to play a movie, I mean, you’re gonna, you’re gonna see, you know, slow down in terms of its its movement, but to be able to do everyday tasking, to have a grayscale monitor to reduce eyestrain, there’s all kinds of really good reasons to that not not any of the bunk related to, you know, blue light or anything else like blue light doesn’t damage your eyes, it’s not dangerous. But what I’m really talking about is eyestrain, and being able to direct light directly onto an eating display. I just brilliant, I’m very excited. I’m not going to likely buy it. But you know, oh, boy country.
Augusto Pinaud 25:40
But I’m going to say with this, I noticed I snowed about blue light. But as a person for for the for the listeners who work on the iPads or the Mac OS, I don’t know if it’s possible, not possible or how to do it. In any other platform, putting the iPad, you can access to the accessibility and then you can activate the filters and put the great colors, it is not ink, it is great colors. But if you are tired, or you’re going to work a lot of hours, you know, in a lot of focus in the Mac as well in the iPad, it is a godsend to turn that thing into great scale, and then don’t get your eyes tired. You know, we all spend a ridiculous amount of hours in front of our screens. And I have now come that after a certain time I put them as soon as they start filling the tires, put them in grayscale. And unless I need something that I want actual colors, and I can just turn off the filter, it works great, but then I can stay way longer looking at my screen without feeling that have
Frank Buck, EdD 26:46
never really thought about the grayscale versus the color that you have the consciously turning it you know, as a kid grew up with black and white TV. So of course I’m familiar with grayscale from way on back. But have a thought consciously about going back and sort of revisiting that.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 27:08
A really good a really good tip for folks is that if you’re ever in a situation where your battery’s low on your phone, switch over to grayscale, which will take less power and and therefore give a little bit of longevity to your to your phone until you get to power again.
Derek Reinhard 27:22
Related to that the Kindle has CPF settings which is similar to grayscale, it’s an off but for low light options as well as little easier on your eyes. My wife uses it quite a lot reading at night. But it’s again, that’s good to go. So saying it’s something that will ease up stress on your eyes.
Augusto Pinaud 27:47
It does it has nothing to do on the argument of blue light on a blue light has nothing to do with that. But because of the grayscale, there’s a lot less brightness. So your your eyes get an eye can work for way more hours that make it really good for me.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 28:01
Yeah, and I can actually think about this in the context of being a writing display for, for a device. folks who have been watching for a while know that I’ve been playing around with a Raspberry Pi 400. And that’s just a keyboard, you know, shell for the Raspberry Pi. And to be able to connect something like this eating display. That would be the perfect low distraction type of device where I feel it’s limited. It’s not but I feel its limitation. Like there’s like a weird feeling that it’s limited. And so I will use that just for certain purposes. It’s kind of why I like single function devices. I like my Kindle, because all I want to do on it is read I don’t want to hack it to be able to browse the web or to do other things. I just want to read on it. And I don’t want anyone to distract me from from that focus. And so that device gives me that capability. Could I read it on my iPad? Sure. Could I read it on any number of the convergence devices that I have around me I’ve Chromebooks galore, and laptops galore and all kinds of device, of course. But that’s not the point. The point is to actually read and to read means I need to get rid of all of the other functions. So I can just focus on that. And so I see something like that the eating display market, really helping those people who need that kind of focus, I can even see like putting blinders on the side of the monitor so you can only see the screen and not see other things. Oh man, my brain has all kinds of Twitter about this idea of an E ink display. But with that, let’s let’s move on to a little bit more ereader and eating display news.
Augusto Pinaud 29:32
Well, and then the next news comes from Amazon, Amazon is ending today. If you are listening live tomorrow yesterday, if you are listening to our audio or Kindle lending library, it will close on January 4 2021. And this is interesting because this was a feature that was kind of on the dark side. They never really make a lot of noise about it and it’s living exactly the same way. So he’s not making any announcement, or making anything but I was interesting, was interesting. It was launched in 2016. So it was for a long, long time that you can land in your things. And he was really, really good.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 30:16
No, no, it was launched 10 years ago. So it was it was launched in 2011 2016
Augusto Pinaud 30:19
was primary members.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 30:23
Yes, yes. Yes. So so so that folks who know just for as a retrospective, in 2011, anyone who owned a Kindle device, a physical Kindle device could use the Kindle owners lending library, and I have used it this entire time, up until yesterday. They’re gonna sunset it and, and cut me off. And so the whole idea was that you could rent a book from those available within the Kindle owners lending library or coal. And, and they made it very difficult over the last few years to like, find the books in the system. They did all kinds of tricks to make people less people use it. And that was because they were bringing Kindle prime reading on live, and in essence, that replaces it. So it’s nostalgic that they’re getting rid of it. But you know, the otherwise the The reality is, it doesn’t really change anything.
Frank Buck, EdD 31:11
And that and that’s separate, because I saw that article, and that’s separate from the Kindle. Unlimited.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 31:18
Correct? that’s a that’s a payment. Exactly, exactly. Yeah.
Frank Buck, EdD 31:22
So I wasn’t even aware of this other program. It’s like, Oh, it’s going belly up? Well, I never knew it existed. So
Raymond Sidney-Smith 31:28
yeah, there, it’s not even because they’re just shutting down this program, because they have a program that replaces it. So it’s really like it while it’s a different program. In my mind, I don’t really see it as if they’re just swapping the programs, you know, they had a program that’s working with Kindle prime reading, you can go ahead and do basically the same thing. So don’t, don’t fret. And so with that, let’s move along to our last piece of news before we hit our break.
Augusto Pinaud 31:53
Well, we are still going to stay on to Amazon and we are going to talk about wondery the podcast startup that Amazon just acquired, and we have been talking past shows how the war for the podcast is getting heated. And, you know, this is just another another example. You know, it is it is fantastic. What the podcast for the US has been. But it’s really interesting how, in 2020, podcasts, companies begin to try to expand podcast to really the whole world and especially, you know, third world markets and all this and the efforts they’re doing and the war it’s on and wondery is now part of Amazon and let’s see what happened.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 32:46
Yeah, I mean, this clearly shows the the consolidation of these very well funded startups wondery while they keep saying was a small startup, I mean, they had, you know, a lot of funding and they were doing very high production shows. And so you know, this ends up being another kind of stab at the at the reality that eventually the podcast market will need to contract across those big budget shows, that’s not going to ultimately change podcasting, the way you listen to us, you know, in the podcast app is really not going to ultimately change. And, and as long as there’s an RSS feed, you know, with with, with the ability to add a media enclosure, podcasting really is not going to change for us. What I do think is really good is that it brings more people to the pie, it really helps to add more people to the understanding that podcasting exists, and there’s a legitimacy to that. And that’s really great. And so, with that, that brings us to our halfway point in the show, and we will be back with you after the ad break with more stories this week. Did you know half of small businesses don’t have websites and half don’t make it past one year in business.
Unknown Speaker 33:57
Are these stats correlated?
Unknown Speaker 33:59
We’re not sure but we think you should have a website w three see Web Services provides affordable manage WordPress website hosting, along with VPS domain name registration, and other small business focused services. For listeners of this podcast. You can book a free 30 minute Digital Marketing Strategy Session when you purchase a new hosting plan $150 value once you purchase your new hosting plan forward the receipt to support at W three c Inc. Calm with the podcast title in the subject line of the email message and we’ll get you scheduled for your digital marketing strategy session. Head over to anything but idle comm slash web hosting and get started with your small business website today. And now back to your show. Welcome back everybody to anything but idle. We were discussing the first half of the stories of the week and before the break and now we are going to go into our second half of the stories of the week and so without a gousto We’ve got Samsung with a big announcement.
Augusto Pinaud 35:03
Yes, they officially confirmed that the Galaxy S 21. It’s going to have an event on January 14. So we will try to plan to have an event discussing the event in if it’s relevant and long enough and show what they are going to do, we know they are going to officially kill this 20. They’re bringing the s 21 s 21 plus an S 21. Ultra, as we have heard, and the event will be 7am. And it’s called Welcome to the everyday a big. So let’s see what happened with that event is going to be on January 14. And we will try to make the comments on the on the event later.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 35:47
Yeah, we tried to do a commentary show based on these large tech live events usually the day after so so we’ll we’ll try and get something on the schedule and and bring bring the news to you. They’re
Unknown Speaker 35:58
14 787 8pm
Raymond Sidney-Smith 36:01
PST, is it that 7am? PST?
Augusto Pinaud 36:04
30 am PST? Yeah, yeah, so
Raymond Sidney-Smith 36:06
it’s 10am to 10am. Eastern, which would be eight o’clock central for you. I’m sorry, six o’clock, I’m sorry. Nine o’clock central for you. My math is all.
Augusto Pinaud 36:17
Now we know Dr. Buck is completely confused about when the event is going to be.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 36:23
That is my fault. Exactly. Okay. Moving. Moving right along with the news, there was an article who published this analytics analytics site by Yeah, they talked about hybrid work models. And tell us a little bit about that it goes down.
Augusto Pinaud 36:42
You know, at the beginning of the epidemic, we talked about what was going to be happening with all this. And what they’re saying now is, okay, well, what, what is going to happen. And the reality is the remote work is here to stay, and for a lot of companies was a lifesaver. So now we’re starting to talk about the hybrid work model where we let people work when they work. And we create teams in which some people stay in the office while the other one is outside. And then they flip around and do keep, you know, making that making the organizations better, but also allowed to have those to shift the workloads between the different people to different directions to remote the people in the office, it’s going to hopefully bring a lot more flexibility, but also is going to allow companies to retain more people, you know, I was we discussed at the beginning of the pandemic, how one of the big issues was, there was people who, like me, wanted to work remotely forever, and we make it happen, there was people who always dreamed about it, but the work was not necessarily allowing them to do and now they have eight, nine months working remotely and those things are going to be an issue for these companies to say everybody in I don’t want to go in, I have proved myself that I can work at home and be a reasonable responsible human. So I’m for the other side, the other side of that coin is there are companies who discovered we don’t want people coming in every good, we are happily looking at each other in a submitting. So all those elements, all those factors are going to be really, really interesting coming to the meat of 2021. As we start having the talks of Okay, we may be ready to go back. I don’t see coming back before then. But that’s me and
Raymond Sidney-Smith 38:43
I I’m gonna disagree with you, in part only because I think that what we’re what we’re gonna see is more and more businesses forced into bringing their employees back on site for some limited capacity. Because it just it doesn’t make any sense for some of these companies to continue to stay closed and having them work remotely. There’s just going to be a forcing function based on economic reasons. So so there’s there’s that part of it. Plus, as people get vaccinated, they’re going to they’re going to presume that those folks can come back into their offices, rightly or wrongly, I don’t I don’t particularly know, the science there. I think it’s it’s probably a poor choice to continue to, to continue to think that you can just push people back into the office just because they have been vaccinated, especially since so few people, you know, are currently vaccinated. Even as we get into larger numbers, there’s still not going to be a threshold, a number of those. That being the case, I think that a lot of companies are going to choose as this article kind of rightly states that they’re going to choose this hybrid model. And what ultimately is going to happen is that there’s going to be a power kind of grab those organizations where you have very dominant managers who want to have control over their staff. They’re going to try and pull those people back into the office, those that are a little bit more laissez faire and understand Performance and Results based management, they’re going to be able to let go of the the clutches on the physical office spaces. And you’ll see those companies I think prosper I think those companies are the ones that will actually do better in the long term. I think for all of us who are in companies and working in environments where we have to pay attention to how to be productive, this is where knowing how to be productive from a mobile perspective is going to be really important right now. Because you’re going to have to be potentially on the move, moving back and forth between in person work at your office space, which they may decide to to go to hotelling they may decide to do other kinds of modalities for you. And then you have to come back to home and work especially as we go through these rolling sets of lockdowns, you know, the UK right now is going through a severe lockdown because of this COVID-19, you know, more contagious variant, we have that in the United States. Now, it’s it’s here, you know, we don’t know where but it’s here, and it’s gonna spread. And that means you’re gonna have more and more people forced into going back home, when they just got back to the office, and they’re like, great, I can sit down at my door, Oh, I got to go back home and work now. So you’re gonna have this yo yo effect. And I think the best thing you can do is just learn how to be mobile. And if you can, if you can learn how to work in kind of not mobile, but you know, like, learn how to be flexible and adaptive in that kind of moving environment. And I think you’re going to be so much better off.
Derek Reinhard 41:28
Yeah, to interesting, with 2020, in that the whole transition point to becoming primarily remote workers, for those who had that latitude. I think with the the various the COVID variant, as well as the inoculations getting introduced that it, I would think that the disruption of 2020 is actually going to be magnified to a degree for those of those office workers, knowledge workers people are working on in 2021, just because of that much, like what you’re saying, Ray, the you know, the power grabs is, but as well as the British have been experiencing this, well, it’s not working out, we got to, we got to pull back again. And I can, I could just see that continuing at least for the first half of 2021 in North America.
Frank Buck, EdD 42:30
And I think pretty soon we’ve really got to start looking at the, I guess you call it the professional development, you know what, I go into the office, I do my work. But I also get better. And a lot of that getting better is the interaction with other people. It’s not in writing the report or doing the various tasks. But it’s what happens between all those other tasks. And I think for a limited amount of time, we can do, we can go home, and we can do those tasks just as well at home as we can do at the office. But unless there is some real effort, the professional development side of it just kind of goes to pot, we’re, we’re learning from our sales, we’re getting better at being us, and there’s nothing to kind of ramp us up.
Augusto Pinaud 43:22
Yeah. And and I think, you know, you look at this, if we look into the school, and I know you, some principal know a lot about it, but the people who have little kids at home, are seeing this. And but i’d also seen, you know, I mentioned this show, I see a two side of this, I see my little kit, you know, driving much better than what he was in school, mostly because he is not getting in trouble as much. Not it’s, I wish to tell you is because he’s learning better. But the reality is no, he’s just not in trouble every five minutes because the teacher can and with my oldest instead, she’s hurting on that social social side. So same thing we are going to see on the adults and professionals on where are we into that and where are the people who need that more social contact need to adapt me to be flexible? I I agree with Ray, that a lot of the work we have, as we have as a coach for the next 678 months is to help my clients into see what they need to really be flexible to be one day in the office two days at home back to the office, and back. Definitely.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 44:46
All right. Next up, we are going to talk about Microsoft and unfortunately, Microsoft has acknowledged that their systems have been hacked. And it sounds to me like from the reporting that I’ve been hearing is that they We’re able to not hack into inches into accounts of people, but into their own internal accounts. And we’re capable of seeing some of the, the code that runs some of these systems. And so this is obviously a developing circumstance. But this is really unfortunately, you know, based on the solar winds hack, and all the things that happened in the US government based hacking, we’re now seeing that Microsoft is impacted. And this has a real, you know, life implication on us all, in terms of thinking about how, you know, like, how Excel is, is secured, how Microsoft Office is secured, just generally, because if they can see the source code, then they can do all kinds of manipulation of it, which is potentially dangerous to us all. So I don’t know if there’s anything that we need to do, I don’t think we can do anything. This is all in Microsoft’s camp, to do the forensics, and to be able to help us understand what we need to do in order to be prepared for it. But we will be following the story and letting you know what we learn as we learn it. Next up Augusto.
Augusto Pinaud 46:05
Next, we are going to talk to an article that came on the Goodman products a prioritized or task and master productivity using the Eisenhower matrix, the hyson power matrix is the important urgent matrix. And it was a it was a good article. And I’m for one of the things that for a lot of people happen in 2020, his personal productivity has come to be relevant for the first time to many people, but they’re not ready yet to maybe jump into the grounds of getting things done or the grounds even of the late Stephen Covey. And they’re looking for something can I get something that allows me to move forward, but much, much simpler that I can see and, and the Eisenhower matrix is exactly that tool is a tool that you can really cannot go wrong, you only have four squares. So it cannot make it more simple like that. But it is important to understand what it is and why it can help you especially if you are discovering that maybe you need something about productivity, and you make the mistake of go to Google and says How can I be more productive? And now are completely overwhelmed with the answer of millions of millions of millions of answers.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 47:27
Yes. And I imagine the folks who are watching and listening are not those people they are the people you are interacting with and who are frustrated with right now. They are the people who need to hear this. But for those of you who are you constantly hear the term Eisenhower matrix, I did want to clarify for folks that you should be actually searching for the Merrill covey matrix, which is the matrix designed by Rebecca and Roger Merrill, along with Dr. Steven Covey. And their research, which went into the book First things first. And so that system and that design process, while Eisenhower sounds cute, and and is where President Eisenhower kind of was purported to have developed this, this notion, really the research and the methodology itself, you’ll get more information if you search for Merrill cavae matrix out there. All right. What else do we have? We have a few more articles. All right, we have news about the iPhone and Apple Watch.
Augusto Pinaud 48:20
So there is again, this is the year this is the episode of the goals. And I am the apple guy. So I found this article in nine to five about what you can do with your watch and your iPhone to make this year more productive, but to stick with the resolutions. You know, as I was saying before, the vision is not enough division need the strategy. So you can make this article talk about a lot of different things you can do to help you with that strategy. You know, it helps you about accountability, about stakes about different software that you can use talk about a software that I love that’s called sts that you can define how often and what it is and put your icons is a really cool thing. talks about the circles talk about how I have it minder so you can change habits and talks about the really well read the article talks in details about how to use your phone on your watch to really help you on this strategy for those to accomplish those goals.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 49:29
Fantastic. Sorry, I’m not the apple guy. I got nothing. More Apple news though. what’s what’s next up in Apple’s news?
Augusto Pinaud 49:39
The next is Apple lose the copyright battle again security startup currently. And this is interesting because this is the first bottle that I see Apple loosing on this background. Okay. corellian design a way to help People break the iPhone and in theory can only be used to use inside of their platform that allows them to try to hack in the system. There has been a lot of movements, the hackintosh people trying to install Mac OS into different hardware, it’s an Apple has always win those battles. For some reason, the battle with corellian was lost the judge in Florida consider that Nope, it’s fine. What they’re doing it is for the better good. And for. So they are going to let kirlyam continue doing that and continue making kirlyam helps find those bugs into the iOS operating system. But again, it was interesting, because this is the first time that I see Apple loose on one of those, and I’m sure they will appeal on this battle is not over. But it’s still it was a good a good hit. And something that is interesting to see for the other companies, you know, for the Microsoft and the Googles what this is going to mean for them, because even that as a start on Apple, we know now that sets precedents for the other student, I
Raymond Sidney-Smith 51:16
think this will be a limited case. I think I think the the merits of the case were valid, I think the loss was was correct judgment. But I don’t see this being particularly expansive in terms of interpretation. So we’ll see, we’ll see what happens. I mean, I you know, again, you know, Google and, and Amazon, and the rest of them Facebook, is what I was thinking of Google and Facebook, and Amazon to some extent, but mostly Google and Facebook, in 2021. And beyond is there really going to have to tread lightly in terms of how they interact and engage with the general public, and certainly how they deal with litigation going forward, in, in, you know, understanding the fact that they’re, you know, they’ve got these antitrust cases out there against them. And they’re coming into a probably a politically, you know, unfriendly environment, with regard to the new administration, and, and what’s really going to happen, you know, like, basically tomorrow, and whatever happens in Georgia will determine the course of the next four years. And so that’ll be very interesting to see once, you know, the Georgia senate run off is is called in a couple of weeks and whatnot, then we will see whether or not the balance of power shifts in that way. And that will really determine really Google and Facebook’s fate, in terms of how they’ll really be able to do a lot of what they’ve been planning and trying to do, I did hear a little bit of reporting this past week about Apple, potentially having some thoughts about going into the car space, and maybe even just using their technology in cars versus building their own that kind of thing. But Google has made, you know, kind of a movement away from that with their way mo system, you know, they invested in so and so forth, but they pushed themselves further away from the electric and, and self driving car platform. I think in part, you know, all of these pieces kind of connect to each other. And so the more Google gets decoupled from themselves, the less likely they are to be able to control their their forward movement, Apple has remarkably been able to keep themselves, you know, intact and moving forward. And while still commanding huge amounts of cash value. So I’m very curious how this will work out in the long run. But something really interesting to pay attention to. Any, any anything else. Okay. So
Augusto Pinaud 53:33
we have the last news on and I remember, in January 2007, the Apple iPhone was announced. And I remember people saying, this thing will never work because they do not have Adobe Flash Player who will want a device without Adobe Well, I’m just need to hear come here to report that officially, Adobe Flash is out is December 31. And if you want an article How to remove it from your Mac, I’m happy to share you the link. And I for one, I’m really celebrating this because he was a piece of software that gave me more headaches than benefits.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 54:13
Yeah, so for folks who are unaware, you know, Adobe Flash does, like there are remnants of it that that is retained on the system, and is quite honestly a security hole. I mean, so it’s a big security risk to have that running on your system. And as much as Adobe will tell you Oh, we’ve we’ve patched we’ve patched it, I mean, flashes as holy as a as a block of Swiss cheese. So you know, you really need to, to just get rid of it. And though when I came across the instructions, I thought you know what everybody watching and listening should really just go through and follow the process for removing flash from your system, just get rid of it across the board. Most of the major browsers, all of the major browsers have now both deprecated and removed it from their systems. So you shouldn’t have any of those remnants in your in your browsers. But there are others that have been kicked into the system in other ways, and so you can go ahead and purge yourself of that God forsaken product is it is a, it’s one of the few things that I’ve I’ve longed for its death.
Augusto Pinaud 55:12
So yes, it is not going to be missed. But with this, let’s go to the new tool of the week.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 55:18
Fantastic. Okay, so I’m having a little bit of technical difficulties, I’m not going to be able to bring it up on screen. But let’s, let’s absolutely get into the new tools of the week. And so each week, a gousto. And I call the interwebs, for all kinds of things. And we come across many personal productivity tools and services in that research. And so in this segment, new tools of the week, we’d like to bring you new tools that we think you might enjoy. And so this week, Augusto, myself and our two panelists all have different things to share with you. And so first up is a tool called substack. And, and so my choice is a tool called substack. And substack is basically a, an alternative to Trello. And I came across this through venturebeat.com. And in essence, you’re capable of utilizing substack to be able to create a Kanban. Or really, yeah, it’s a common bond style board environment. And it’s just really quite slick, you have the ability to put up on Merrill covering matrix style grid, and do that kind of prioritization of particular projects. And you can place them in those grids. It’s just really, really slick. And, and I just, I thought it was really interesting, I’ve played just a little bit with it. And you can create dependencies automatically in the system. I wonder if I could bring this up on screen because I have this here on this system. Let’s see here. Let’s see if I can do it,
Augusto Pinaud 56:43
you want me to try to bring it in my screen? There we go.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 56:46
Okay, so I just can’t i can’t put it into full screen mode. Otherwise it it locks up my system for some reason. But either way, here you can see you can you can create this like matrix and, you know, utilize dependencies that allows you to be able to do a SWOT analysis. If those of you who don’t know a SWOT analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, we do this in business quite often. And so you can do a SWOT analysis inside the system. So it’s got all of this, this opinionated component structure that’s really quite useful. And it allows you to be able to manage in this in this remote environment, remote work world, using an alternative to Trello for those of you who may have issues with sticking with Trello, for whatever reason, Okay, with that our next tool, a gousto. Our next
Augusto Pinaud 57:35
tool is not a productivity thing. But it was something that was introduced to me by my kids. So during the Christmas break, my kids invited me to play a game called among us. And we were playing with my nephews and my niece and my brother in law, and we ended up making a game of 10 people. And the basically the game is you are trying to fix the ship and somebody says spawn the imposter. And it’s killing people on the ship and you need to discover who it is. And it’s really simple. The game is really simple runs on almost any device. But it was really a really fun family game except for my nephew but everybody else was really having a blast. I don’t like to be killed but but everybody else was having a blast. I think even he was having a blast except he didn’t know the one that could be that but he wanted to be the imposter every time. But it was a really fun thing. So as we talk about productivity, part of the productivity also is take care of yourself is rust is entertained. All those things are part of productivity. So these may be the first game we are going to mention nonetheless. But the first game we are going to mention on anything rival.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 58:58
Definitely against my better judgment. But with that, Next up I have you Derek, Derek, what’s your choice tool of the week?
Derek Reinhard 59:09
Yeah, it’s an interesting thing. And up until last month, it ran on Adobe Flash, it’s now html5 coated is gold scape. And it’s it was actually designed by a sailing Olympian German say Liam Olympian, Marcus Bauer there. In the project management world if you’re acquainted with work breakdown structures, where you have, okay, here’s my project, Well think of it as a goal. And then you break it into components and you break it into tasks. This is a similar thing, but it’s but it’s in a circle. And you can use it for a single goal. You can put it for your whole life sort of thing and break Get down further and further out in these concentric circles. As you design what you’re going to accomplish, and then as you accomplish them, you mark them complete. You can share them with others, you can share tasks with others and that sort of thing. And as you can see in that, the graphic there, it shows the progression of completeness as well. So you know, the gray outer edges there you can see are part and you know, almost done, partly done, not started. So, if you’d look at it, you’re basically your whole life sort of thing and the goals and the different areas, as gousto said at the beginning of the program, you can see areas that are not being addressed, because you’re not accomplishing your activities, your tasks and your goals in there. And you can see other ones that as they do progress. It It has a desktop version, there’s also an online version, there’s a app, there’s smartphone apps as well, I believe both Android and iOS wear, so you can carry it with you as well. And so I this was just something I mean, it was a number of years ago, I had discovered this and kind of played around with it. But since I retired the end of November have been doing a lot of besides game playing. I’ve been doing a lot of catching up with these applications that that I had, that I had invested in in the past. Looks good.
Frank Buck, EdD 1:01:47
I guess it’s a freemium cuz I saw hit pricing out there. So is there Yeah,
Derek Reinhard 1:01:52
there’s Yeah. Yeah, it’s I mean, it’s tiered like, you can get a basic online, one frame, I think they call it and then you can do get the desktop for a one off cost. And then you can get the online costs for for a monthly, lower monthly costs. So there’s a number of different tiers and arrangements that you can do with it.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:02:23
Fantastic, thanks. Yeah. And Dr. Buck, what’s your choice this week?
Frank Buck, EdD 1:02:27
All right, mine is one, it’s not new, but it may be new probably isn’t new to a lot of people out there. But it’s a website called we transfer. You know, the problem that we all have is, you know, we we’ve got a lot of pictures we’re trying to send to somebody and making them email attachments just doesn’t work. So how can I send lots of data across the web, and do it for free, and this site will will do it, you don’t even have to, you know, they invite you to create an account, but you don’t even have to create an account. And he basically just drag stuff onto the screen, put your email address, put the email address of the person or people that you’re sending it to and click, and it’s gone. It will let you know when it’s been delivered, it will let you know when the people what happens on the other end is they get an email from we transfer with a link in there. They click it download. So instead of going through their email, it’s uploading to we transfers server, they click a link it downloads it from we transfer server. After a few days, we transfer it deletes it from their server. Like I said, you get a link letting you get an email letting you know when the other person has downloaded it. You also get an email, if they haven’t, after a few days will say you know it’s the lake is about to expire in three days or whatever so that you can follow up. But it is just so easy, and has helped me and a bunch of people I know helped us out so many times.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:04:11
Fantastic. Thank you, Dr. Buck. And with that we just have one announcement this week, and then we will close out the show. And so this week, just wanted to let everybody know that David C. I think that’s how you pronounce your name David. I apologize if not, or Dave z. And so if you go to david s EA h comm he has done his updates for his very popular planners where he designs these beautiful, emergent task planner items. And you can print them out and so on so forth. So they are have now been updated for 2021. So those are all out there. If folks are interested in doing that. I’ll put a link to that in the show notes for you so that you can go ahead and download that. And so with that we’ve covered hopefully all of the productivity and technology news this week that was pertinent to you And I want to just give thanks to Derek Reinhart and Dr. Frank buck for joining us today for the show, Dr. Buck, if folks want to keep in touch with you, how do they do that? How do they How do they keep in touch with you and your work? Okay, come
Frank Buck, EdD 1:05:15
over to my website, Frank buck dot o RG. And that’s the keys to the candy store. You can get on my email list, you’ll I’ll be in your inbox every Tuesday letting you know about the stuff on my blog, podcast, YouTube, etc, etc. If you’d like to follow me on Twitter, and or Instagram, I’m at Dr. Frank buck, Dr. Frank buck, in other words,
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:05:42
wonderful connect with you. As always, thanks for joining us here on the show. Frank.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:46
It was a pleasure. Thank you.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:05:49
And Derek, how can folks keep in touch with you and your well?
Derek Reinhard 1:05:54
Yes, I started a website called gt with something that was incubating in my mind on how flexible and actually tool agnostic that getting things done is. And so I wrote two small books, GTD with the bullet journal and GTD with gold scape. And you can catch up with me subscribe at that site there. And like I said, I’m just starting out retired and learning to set up my own goals for being retired so we can start with that.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:06:38
Wonderful, welcome. And welcome to the show. And thank you for being here. And hopefully we’ll have you back again soon.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:45
Thank you. Pleasure.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:06:46
All right. All righty gousto. Thank you very much for joining me, as always on anything but idle.
Augusto Pinaud 1:06:52
Thank you very much. It was really fun. And I’m looking forward to this one the next one.
Raymond Sidney-Smith 1:06:57
Wonderful. Well, folks, if for some reason we missed a story, feel free to head over to anything but idle.com if you anytime you want to find the episode number if you just go to anything but idle.com forward slash and the three digit episode number that’ll take you over to the episode page. And there on the page, you can type comments, you can find our show notes links to all the stories that we have talked about in the show, sometimes extras that we couldn’t talk about on the show, but wanted to provide to you all of that there on the episode page. But if we did miss something you want to share that with us. That’s not related to a specific episode, you can go to our contact page on anything but idol.com You can also tweet or dm us at anything but idle on Twitter. And if you have a comment or question, feel free to find us in one of those ways on anything but idle on each episode Show page. As I noted, we have our show notes, which includes links to all the stories tools of the week, and as well as text transcripts that you can read and also Download as PDF. From the shows there on the website. You can also subscribe. And if you are feeling generous, feel free to go to your favorite podcast app. And if it allows you to go ahead and leave a rating or review just let us know how we’re doing. And that really helps us stay motivated to keep doing this and to help grow our podcast listening community. And so with that, see you all next time on anything but idle is productive.
Download a PDF of raw, text transcript of the interview here.