Commentary on Apple Special Event : California Streaming

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In this Cast | Commentary on Apple Special Event : California Streaming

Augusto Pinaud

Michael Sliwinski

Michael is a productivity guy – he’s the founder and CEO of Nozbe, where they have two productivity apps, Nozbe Teams – an uber-functional to-do app for small and medium teams and Nozbe – a project management and collaboration tool for busy professionals. Both Nozbe Teams and Nozbe are web-based tools with apps for all the major platforms. Michael is also a speaker, author of a few best-selling books, a podcaster and a blogger. He is happily married to his wife Ewelina and they have three daughters.

Headlines & Show Notes | Commentary on Apple Special Event : California Streaming

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Raw Text Transcript | Commentary on Apple Special Event : California Streaming

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is mm:ss (e.g., 0:04 starts at 4 seconds into the cast’s audio).

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Augusto Pinaud 0:01

Hello, productivity, personal productivity enthusiasts and community Welcome to Anything But Idle, the productivity news podcast. Today we are going to do a commentary on the apple a special event California stream, and it’s going to be me, it has to be not. And also we are going to have our apple expert and friend, Michael solinsky. Michael, it is the a no have nots. B is a productivity guy. He is the founder of nurse B and not B teams. They are functional to do app for small and medium teams. The project management now is a project management and collaboration tool for busy professional both not B and not B teams are web based tools for all major platforms. Michael is also speaker, author, and a few bestselling books podcaster on a blogger, and he’s happily married to his wife, Elena has three daughters. So welcome, Michael. Hi. Hi, I think so we can make that shorter. Yeah, I

Michael Sliwinski 1:07

need to shorten it down. Yeah. So I’m happy to be here. And I’m happy to be you know, talking about iPhones and the new gadgets that are coming. So we’ll talk about all that. Yeah, I’m a big apple enthusiast. I think I give Apple too much money. Hopefully, hopefully, it’s being offset by the fact that people are getting our nose be apps on the iPhone and they, you know, pay us this way. So maybe this will fund my, you know, gadgetry.

Augusto Pinaud 1:40

Hey, that’s that’s that’s the life. So we need to continue to figure out ways to continue doing that. So let’s begin with what was your full impression of the show before we get into the details of all the offerings and what they see what you thought about the show.

Michael Sliwinski 1:59

So I mean, the show was, you know, full of California. And, and but the most important thing, I think was the fact that they were not really major upgrades to the, you know, to the phones and to the watches and to anything apart from the mini, because mania was really a big a big, big jump. But apart from that there were just small upgrades. But it all, like we’ll talk about that. But there were like all small upgrades in many small places, which make the whole experience of the device just significantly better. Like every every year, so every year, there isn’t a slight improvement here and cameras and battery life and this and this and this and then in total, it just makes the device better. So not necessarily for like last year’s purchasers. But I’m sure that you know, people who have like two or three year old devices will be happy to upgrade.

Augusto Pinaud 2:57

Well. And I think that’s a that’s a difference or Apple it’s been moving from this every year update cycle to now we are going every two years and they are not they This is not the first event where for last year perspective is a small increase, but may not be as significant as just go and jump. So that’s something that we have seen Apple do more and more where they’re doing consistent small improvements instead of try to break everything every year. Yeah, it’s something extraordinary. Yeah, totally. So you’re going to say,

Michael Sliwinski 3:35

no, it definitely, there are just also some some, like there’s always like, Apple has improved many things in the devices. And very often they’ve been very stingy with what they’re offering like, you know, offering a very, like low, you know, storage devices and all that stuff. They’ve been gradually getting better. And we’ll comment on that. But there is about that on the meaning so yeah, but they’re but their devices where they didn’t learn their lesson and they they were not consistent. So we’ll talk about that. Yeah, so

Augusto Pinaud 4:09

let’s begin then with the new iPad. That’s the first device they announce it’s a 10.2 rutina displays they add to this entry level, the center stage feature that they lounge on the iPad Pro on the march event that I have been able to use and it is really great that the fact that the camera adjust as you move so I was really excited to see these on the on the entry level device. They keep the Apple Pencil vert first version. They made a lot of noise about the recycling and how old the magnets are from recycling rare elements instead of new. So what do you thought about that entry level app and our entry level iPad and I know a fact that just recently you go Pro on that switch things inside of your house as it happened in mind when the new iPad comes, you know, everything gets gets moved. But this was an interesting thing, because it’s getting that entry level iPad, it’s getting more and more solid year over year.

Michael Sliwinski 5:20

Yes, completely. And the center stage, which I thought, when I got it in my iPad Pro, was like a premium feature. Apparently, it’s not a premium feature. And it’s good because the entry level iPad is being used by classes by schools by by kids. And this Watson center stage does, it really helps you have like a more engaging video conferencing? Yeah, like you can, like, I’ve already done that several times that goes from presenting something. So I could, like move from here where I sit right now and move to my whiteboard and draw something on the whiteboard. And people could see that, you know, and I didn’t have to move the iPad at all, I was just, I just had the iPad, the same place. I just moved, and the camera can kind of move with me like I had a camera operator. And it was really good.

Augusto Pinaud 6:08

Yeah, it is awesome. And, you know, Ray, who cannot be away from the show, even for one day, he’s saying in the comments, I’m really excited to see center stage on the iPad Mini. And me too, I then I have the iPad Pro, the 12.98 version, that’s my main driver, but I still have the the mini I I use on the meaning is, you know, I use the meaning more than what I use my iPhone. So it’s an it’s a device that I really, really love. And I’m excited to see that that is coming. So I wasn’t sure I’m still not sure what I’m going to do. And we will talk more about the meaning in a second. But this entry level, I think it was solid, it was getting solid more and more powerful. As years come by and as it’s, as you said, consistent small improvements over the years for this entry level.

Michael Sliwinski 7:04

Yeah, they didn’t give it of course, the fastest CPU because they have to reserve that for the product models. So it’s like a two year old CPU. But apart from that, like everything else about this is great. And the fact that you can use this Smart Cover, I think and then this so there’s like additional features. And the only thing I don’t like about the entry level iPad is the is the pencil version one. I don’t like it at all. Um, but yeah, I think we have to wait a year or two before they

Augusto Pinaud 7:36

chew until they get the pencil tree. I agree. I do pencil one it is great. I mean, it’s what I use on my on my mini and all that. But the fact that the pencil to stick to the to the iPad, it’s really a game changer and comparing to the to the version one that only two now look to put where I’m going to stick my pencil and yes, I have figured that that by now. But the version to that is stick to the, to the iPad, it’s really something completely different.

Michael Sliwinski 8:07

Yeah, totally. So a but but again, a solid solid update the iPad entry level, you know, 300 bucks or 330 bucks for us models. It’s a good thing. And of course, I still don’t like the fact that you know, to bump it for the to the LTE or model a, you know, the mobile cellular model. It’s it’s so much more money, I think they should finally like really make it not as expensive of an update. Because as we argued in our iPad only book way back when, and it’s good to have iPad with shoulder connection. But you know, in that sense, like when you have $300.03 $30 iPad, and then you want to sell a connection you have to like add 30% of the price to it. It’s a bit ridiculous.

Augusto Pinaud 8:59

Yeah, that’s that is exactly that is exactly what they what they should have done. So in this iPad, you know, they keep the lightning connector so you can continue. I didn’t know that. Did they charge the race? I was gonna question that. That is interesting how they explain how in this iPad, you’re going to charge that because did they change the line?

Michael Sliwinski 9:25

No, no, no, no. So there is a way to get it right. The entry level iPad has pencil one Yeah, but the mini has to correct and pencil two charges with a magnetically just like it does in the pro

Augusto Pinaud 9:43

and agreement but on the on the pencil one on the iPad one I thought they change it to USB C

Michael Sliwinski 9:51

No, no, no. No, no, no. The entry level iPad is the same thing. So it’s still lightning. That’s Why because the pencil one as well. It’s still lightning, the thing hasn’t changed. So there are two lightning devices right now the iPhone, and the iPad entry level, iPad Mini, the new iPad Mini, and the iPad. Pros. They all are USBC. That’s why so there is no converter, no nothing. So it’s just a completely different port. They are completely divided right now between USB C and lightning.

Augusto Pinaud 10:26

So let’s go there into the next thing. The iPad Mini. Yes. And the more I look at this iPad Mini, I cannot justify it, but I will buy it anyways.

Michael Sliwinski 10:41

Yeah, I thought you would do that.

Augusto Pinaud 10:44

There is no reason for me to upgrade my iPad Mini five, except that is going to happen. So let me start for what I love. I love the idea of the pencil, the magnetic pencil really, it makes a significant difference. They got me into the orange is Mark folio. The touch ID, I don’t care that much about the 5g LTE for the little times I live my office is still worked fine. But center stage and the landscape stereo speakers. Really, it’s because that’s where I hear the music, that’s where I do a lot of things. My complaint was 256 really,

Michael Sliwinski 11:30

as I told you privately, is just too many to to to to keep more stuff than 24. Six, there’s just too many. And yeah, you’re right, it should have more storage. But I think minis use case is not really to hang on to lots of things, it’s just to just you know, may be a casual iPad by the casual cool iPad. So the iPad that you take out of your purse, or your small backpack or whatever and just you jot down things, you read something, it’s just a love how they change the design, how they made it more colorful, more playful. And when you look at it, they even change the volume, the volume control is on top. Because the pencil is so long, that it’s actually the length. Right? So it’s really it’s really three strange.

Augusto Pinaud 12:21

So, I have a question for you then because I say we’re looking at the show, somebody asked me Okay, when the price came up, okay, start at 499 and somebody came in say, so why will I buy the iPad Mini instead of buying the iPad Air? And yeah, we can argue about the processor difference, okay, but the iPad Air is still will have greater speed. So will you buy one or the other one and why?

Michael Sliwinski 12:49

A, I think I think it comes down to the size you know, like if you want a full fledged iPad to do stuff without getting the pro you get there. But if you want a very portable iPad yet a different device than then iPhone pro max thing then the Mini is perfect. And I think you know like it used to be a great use case for my wife my wife would use the booze the mini a lot because she would just throw it in the back and the purse and she would have done the meaning and should have then all her books, everything they’re able to read but ultimately she just used the iPhone all the time and she has the max so so she stopped using that but at all but I think for many people who just wants to have a bigger device that is not a phone a very portable device or for example like the I think the use case that they did on them on the presentation like this the photographer’s like you have the you know you’re you’re you’re out and about you don’t you don’t want to carry you know slap your big iPad or big a MacBook Pro you just want to have the camera and and and an iPad to just you know check things out see how they look like and you know maybe you know go through the photos or something then the Mini is perfect for that. So I think it all comes down to the size I think this is what they wanted to do. They wanted to have the meaning and the air to compete on size and nothing else to just be the same device just you want the bigger one or your small one.

Augusto Pinaud 14:20

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I love the mini i think i think i see i mean in my near future because he it’s it’s really cute. Well and I honestly they’re the iPad Pro It is my main driver. But if but I mean it is what I use for everything else if I’m not working what I have on my hands is the meaning even more than than the iPhone I I don’t use the iPhone a lot and it may be that if I go to a higher screen or a larger screen, I may be able to replace the iPad Mini but the reality This I love the iPad Mini form factor. That’s where I read. That’s where I write and write. That’s where I do so many things.

Michael Sliwinski 15:07

I don’t know. Yeah, that was the media. Also, what they did is they, they really crammed lots of good things in it. So the, the screen is better, the camera is very good. They feed the pencil, like all that stuff like no bezels, you know, the Touch ID in them, and the button, all that stuff. And they wanted to hit the price point of 499. And because of that, they made the entry level 64 gigabyte gigabytes, which is kind of crappy. But then, but then the upgrade is only 256. There is no 128 version. So so they just stuck with two different models, but because they wanted to hit the 499 entry level, and I

Augusto Pinaud 15:50

was fine on the 499. I think for some people, the 499 will work well, I was disappointed that they did not produce a 512 I will have laughed to half a five.

Michael Sliwinski 16:01

Okay. Okay. And again, real time follow up. You have the seller option. So because it’s 5g 150 bucks. So again, there’s what I’m saying. And it was 130 bucks on the entry level iPad. So again, I understand that there’s more for seller and whatever, but more than 100 bucks for the seller, it’s very often why people don’t choose an iPad with the seller, because it’s just so much more money. And especially when you go with the entry level 330 versus 460, right? Like it’s, it’s, it’s a big Ally’s price bump, so people wouldn’t do it, but then they will not experience what we do experience is the fact that you have the additional sin there. And you are online all the time. And it’s just glorious on the iPad, as

Augusto Pinaud 16:50

you said on the iPad, only book, we discussed that and I at that time, I did not have a cellular model. And I remember you arguing with me, I said but it connects in a moment and say no, no, no, there is a difference. And I remember when I got the first one with the cellular model listening to what you were saying and really it changed is those I understand maybe 2025 seconds but now there were a ton of other things that I will do on the iPad anywhere because I did not need to think on those 20 seconds was just open and go so it I agree with you It really makes a difference and the 150 bucks maybe other terror for people who have never experienced those 30 seconds advantage enough to really go and buy that one instead of

Michael Sliwinski 17:40

I mean I will say this is a productivity show any barrier of entry will be a temptation to not do something you know if if you have a barrier of entry it’s you know, have to go and tether again like it’s just so much more work. It’s It’s It’s not it’s as I said seconds, but the whole thing that you have to do it it creates the whole barrier of entry which is and I

Augusto Pinaud 18:06

completely completely agree so now we are going to talk about my disappointment of the night and it was the fact that they I watch seven came out with a larger screen new colors given it’s my own fault, I wanted to have more sensors I want it to be more an improvement on the health and I was ready to buy it and now I’m like I don’t know should I upgraded or wait for the Watch eight and I know your opinion because you already shared that with me. But let’s talk about this for the listeners for the show. What was your impression of the smartwatch the Apple Watch seven knowing that mine was down

Michael Sliwinski 18:58

yeah, I would love to have more sensors but you know the sensor that already has are pretty good. So again, it was just a small upgrade. It’s it’s presumably a bit you know more battery life but especially that more screen real estate, which I do appreciate. And you know when I moved from the series, two to series four, and having the much bigger screen was was fantastic. It was a great improvement. And then series five having to always on display was great. And I really dig always on display. And then now with serious seven display, the display is even bigger. So without the dimensions of the watch being bigger so I really like it. It’s like they pushed to the end of the like after the edge really

Augusto Pinaud 19:48

done on every device. If when you think about it that the iPad Mini went from 7.9 to 8.5. It’s a lot and we discussed this on when you got your your iPad Pro your 12 inch you try the original iPad Pro 12 inch and it was too big for you and your return it and you have yet blogged about it. This one instead. It was awesome.

Michael Sliwinski 20:12

No, no, I’m not returning this one. It’s glorious. Yeah, so so so the one seven is is a big upgrade for like for for people who, like you should have upgraded from three because you have watched three, right? Yes sir. I mean, watch three, that they still sell it for 199 it’s it’s abomination that they should be saying it like this is really bad. Like this is this this is this moment where Apple is nickel and diming the Apple Watch Series four should be the entry level 444 199 or the SEC and then and then you know, then then maybe Apple Watch five should be the mid level and the seven the top level. And I can tell you a story why you should upgrade from the watch three and not carried anymore. A because there is a big difference not only in the screen size, but also also in sensors, especially heart rate sensors. And with the Apple Watch three and the the new Apple watches. My father is carrying up a watch for which I gave him it was my Apple Watch for I gave my father Apple Watch for and my father has problems with heart that sometimes he has, you know this. Like the the I would call host called in English that this thing when when the when the heart is you know not not not beating the way it should be beating. Okay. And Mr. Rickman, I don’t know. Yeah, I some of the some something like that. And it happens that he has events like this, like every, I don’t know, three, four weeks, right? So, um, the thing was before Apple Watch, he wouldn’t know that it’s coming, he would just suddenly feel really bad. And he would notice it’s this he would have to lay down get some of his medication and it will take him like a day or two to get back to ready to reveal to recover. Now Apple Watch is telling him you’re about to have it. It’s It’s like magic. It’s an Apple Watch is telling him you’re about to have this. So slow down and you know, sit down whatever. And then he sits down he takes his medication and then he just after a few hours he’s good again, every now and then he does he does his aka ECG on the watch. And now it’s it’s all essence rhythm. So it’s all correct. It’s fine. So it’s kind of like you know, and there is this there’s the saying in Polish that’s you know, if you would know you would that shows you’re going to fall down you will just sit down before right and and and this is the thing like with the Apple Watch he knows he’s gonna fall down so he just goes and sits down before the

Augusto Pinaud 23:02

actual fibrillation is what Ray’s telling us in the chat that is that exactly.

Michael Sliwinski 23:06

Exactly and and it’s just I mean for me it’s like I knew that I would help him a little bit giving him the Apple Watch but I didn’t expect this to be like a change of quality of his life you know Apple Watch telling him exactly you’re gonna have it now it’s amazing so so for this new for these new sensors alone and also for the you know the the Apple Watch Series six introduce the sensor for oxygen level in the in the heart, I mean in the blood. So I really strongly believe that you know, the because I read I read that the sugar level and all that stuff. It’s tricky and it might not come next year. It might come in two, three years because it’s really it’s really tricky. I don’t know. But you know you having series three I also believe that in seriously you might already have really crappy battery life. So I think you know, I would advise you to upgrade because it’s it’s it’s a it’s gonna be a big leap for you and the quality, quality change.

Augusto Pinaud 24:09

I will continue thinking about it so far. so far. I’m not I’m not fully sold on it. But then it came fitness plus and it’s now in 21 countries they change the workouts they have now half five minutes to 45 minutes. workout, you have filters guided meditation, they work on the mindfulness. Have you used fitness plus it’s available where you were Are you it’s you are one of the original countries where you are now part now that they have 21 countries.

Michael Sliwinski 24:45

And now I I am I am pretending to be American and I have the whole the whole package the apple one premiere thing like the whole nine yards, the whole $30 per per month. thing, because we have so many devices, I need the two terabytes of storage for backups for all the iPads in my family, and, and all that stuff. So and we have Apple, we have everything, all these all these services. So I have access to all of that. I have never tried Apple fitness plus, but when I was watching the presentation, I felt kind of ashamed, because I was like, Damn, they have five minute workouts. I always, sometimes I just go about the whole day, I get a stressful day, you know, and I’m saying I have a whole stressful day. And I don’t know any workout, right? Because I have no time to run, I have no time to I don’t know, swim, or I don’t know, I don’t no time to do anything, because it’s got so much preparation, I don’t think I cannot do it. But then I was like, I have this fitness plus thing. And they have like a 10 minute workout. Like, everybody has 10 minutes, like I have 10 minutes, you know, to do a short workout, because you know, instead of launching Twitter, I could just do 10 minutes of work other than Twitter for just shorter period of time. Right. So it’s a, I think, I think I should try it. I should try it. And especially also, I wanted to try meditation in the morning. So maybe with this, it will be kind of a again, barrier of entry. If I if I have this meditation thing, it will just help me guide through this and do the meditation instead of just me wanting to do it. So no, I haven’t tried to fit this plus, but now I’m really inclined to finally give it a try.

Augusto Pinaud 26:24

Yeah, the five minutes workout was the same thing. You’re not going to get me do a 45 minute workout, but at five to 10 minutes, I will consider it so right. So that that was that was an interesting, interesting change for me. And then came what people were expecting the phone, the iPhone, even though it was funny, I didn’t know this until yesterday, the day has been bets all over outside of this if this phone was B going to be called iPhone 13 or not for superstitions reasons. But it is called the iPhone 13. So

Michael Sliwinski 27:06

yeah, I mean, I think they already dropped the names because they were stupid. And like stupid, right? So it didn’t make any sense. Because they would basically throw their own iPhone. So I have this we have this iPhone, it’s an S phone. So basically it’s you know, there’s another word with sounds with S. So I’m a I think 13 is fine. I think they they you know hashtag courage they they they embrace the 13 phase personally as you as you know, I love number 13 because my first daughter was born on January the 13th so I have no complaints about 13 I love 13

Augusto Pinaud 27:46

you know and I kind of speak for your daughter that now that you met did you make that comment? I think she will be happy if you get her an iPhone 13

Michael Sliwinski 27:55

yeah about that. No so to explain to everyone listening, my daughter is still on the Apple Watch only she is on the Apple Watch Series five as the family setup she doesn’t have the she’s almost 13 so she’s 12 and a half she doesn’t have the phone. Most children at that age already have the phone. Well she has the iPad Pro. So she gets she has a nice device at home. But she doesn’t have the the the phone because frankly she doesn’t really need it. And I don’t want her to be at school just staring at the screen. So as long as she doesn’t really complain and really really you know, be about it like if she’s not really you know, the only one left out in the class and only one you know let standing. I don’t want to give her the phone so maybe actually she might get the iPhone 13 because I’m gonna get iPhone 13 now and then she’ll have the hand me down at some point you know, maybe in two years or three years this

Augusto Pinaud 28:59

is working is working. I don’t know I don’t know if she will I don’t know if it will survive two or three years. Being that my daughter is just two months older than yours. I know that’s coming. So I will still propose iPhone 13 for your much she will get a hand me down. So it may be I don’t know what but but again the theme on the phones even on the phones was a slightly upgrade. It’s it’s an upgrade to water resistant. This the anti dust they put the promotion they put the cinematic mode that was really cool on the pro version. If you use that camera, I mean the iPhone, it’s turning into this really powerful camera and and I have to share this in the show and many other places I put my iPhone on top of of the iPad and use it sometimes as the video camera so I can I don’t need to To look down when I can talk more higher, but and these all these cameras, and all these options really make that option, much better and more powerful. It is an upgrade if you have an iPhone 12. I don’t know.

Michael Sliwinski 30:16

Well, so. So things that are interesting. So the battery life is big is better. I think the a 15 chip is not much faster than a 14 who will see the tests. But I think it’s like you know how to test you know, there, there will be tests. I haven’t seen this anyway. But they were comparing it to the fastest androids because I think the speed bump between last year’s and this year will not be much. They have all the same cores and all that stuff. So technically, I think they’re not much faster. But there is a what they mentioned, like one and a half hours or two and a half hours battery improvement. The the biggest improvement is on the pro phones because they have the promotion, so the better screen and they have better cameras. So because last year, the 12 and 12 Pro had the same cameras, just the pro max had a bit better cameras. And of course the pro had three cameras instead of two. But the two cameras that it had were exactly the same as the as the non pro 12. Now that the 12 phone has slightly not as good cameras as the 12 as a 13 Pro, and pro and three pro max have the same same cameras. So in the end Indian, what I would say is that a I am torn between choosing the mini again, so the 13 minute because I love the size, the size of this thing is just glorious. It’s just so small, it’s just so nice. Like, I have small hands and I can hand all this like this. It’s just very cool. And a and the regular 13 Pro, which has just ferry very nice cameras, and the pro display. Um, so I don’t know, we’ll see. We’ll see I have until Friday to decide what I’m going to get. Because, you know, as per tradition, I upgrade my iPhone every year, because I just wants to and then I sell the iPhone to either somebody in my company or some friends. They’re usually there’s usually airlines

Augusto Pinaud 32:22

maybe the last year you sell it now now he will he will enter into the rotation.

Michael Sliwinski 32:26

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So I had this interesting discussion with my wife, my wife has the iPhone Xs, so x S max, right, so a three year old iPhone. And I wanted to call it to convert her to the new pro max for many reasons because like the battery will be you know, bigger for her, the battery life will be better and my wife kills the battery constantly like her iPhone is 1% all the time. I don’t know how she does it. And then a also the screen will be a bit bigger and she likes the bigger screen and of course then she will be also able to use our magsafe accessories and I have quite a few Maxi accessories already so we could share them you know? And so I had this interesting discussion with my wife and baby you know there is this new iPhone Max and it’s glorious. It has a bigger screen better battery life much better cameras than your than your phone and it will support the Mac safe you know accessories. So I’m a What do you think? My wife I don’t need a bigger a newer phone. And me I understand how can you say a word? How does a sentence like this exist? I don’t need a new phone and your iPhone like like Who says that?

Augusto Pinaud 33:53

I said that this is still the iPhone x okay or even Xs x and I don’t everything a my I use the iPad Mini that’s what I carry. I could leave this phone behind happily. I don’t The only reason I think I still have an iPhone is because I cannot configure my watch otherwise. Or now that’s not true because we finally I may be able to get rid of the phone and then or don’t carry that the never with me and set it up as a family member on my wife’s phone. I had not thought about that until this instant and second. I don’t make that many phone calls. I don’t do emails I have done. I stopped doing email on this phone. I don’t know 2008 2009 so I do everything on the iPad Mini and because of that I don’t update upgrade my iPhone until they stop upgrading the iPhone because I have no Nothing on that thing. I have everything forward really, to the iPad Mini.

Michael Sliwinski 35:04

I mean, you’re right. And so I just had my friend who has the iPhone 10 as you over, he visited us. And I was checking again, my wife’s phone, the Xs. And you’re right, these phones are really good. Like that, that then the whole 10 and 10 S line and then 11 like they’re all such good phones that as I mentioned, my, my wife and she has my wife has already a few covers because she bought a few covers from like, you know, fashion covers, like from Kate Spade from like the, you know, these, you know, the same brands that do purses, right. So, she’s actually just want to upgrade because then she would have to lose all these covers, you know, and then and then she doesn’t want to purchase many new covers, although this will probably happen. And that’s why that’s why she is working to change because like there is nothing in this phone that she can really complain about. Because it is this big phone because it has really big battery. And the battery life doesn’t deteriorate so much in the you know, the three years of that, that she’s been using it even though she’s been abusing it like crazy because really like it’s I feel like her phone is 1% all the time. So that’s why I had I had this hard time explaining to her that she you know that she should upgrade or I want her to upgrade it so in the end of the day, I think I convinced her to update because this is her main not computer like she she has right now she is she got a Kindle Paperwhite for reading so she is using Kindle Paperwhite and she gave me back the iPhone 11 the iPad 11 Pro, which I gave her two years ago because she’s not using it. So I found different uses for this one. And she just has the computer to work computer that she uses for work and the iPhone. That’s it. So I thought you know because she does she’s not like you that she has iPads and stuff. I think after three years she should upgrade because it’s going to be just nicer for her to use it and she will still get a very good price for the Xs. So it’s not going to be like a costly upgrade anyway. Right? So and and she will have fun again for another three, four or five years and is going to be fine.

Augusto Pinaud 37:23

Correct and and you know it was interesting you mentioned that I had a somebody asked me last week before the iPhone 13 came out they have also an iPhone x and they love the form factor and his question was Should I update to the x s or should I just pay Apple the 100 bucks to the battery replace a battery and keep it I don’t want a new phone I don’t need what what and it’s difficult because the phone is still working it’s still fine I don’t you want that find that you know the problem is that access is two years battery so you may end up having one more year are not very good battery anyway so Exactly. It’s a it’s a difficult thing. I love the fact that Apple is producing the 12 the meaning so that way when this time gets for me time to replace it that will be will be a meaning what I will what I will get

Michael Sliwinski 38:20

yeah so so this year this year, I’m torn between the mini and the pro because the Pro has so many new things like the better. Better cameras and and and better a screen but I think I’ll go with him in anyway. It’s just it’s just cute. It’s just glorious. It’s just like the smartphone. It fits in my pocket and it’s just so nice to carry. And Okay I will not do such great photos but if my wife gets the X the pro max then I will just use her phone when I want to take a picture like that you know with with the zoom or something you know and but apart from that like the mini it’s just I like the idea that that Apple is still producing the mini like it’s

Augusto Pinaud 39:10

I was That was my excitement so well was this recover and that was my thing. I’m excited to see I was I loved the manufacturer and again that’s and I was when they stopped producing you know that there was a big delay between iPad Mini for an iPad Mini five and now that they are coming back to the iPad Air on the iPad Mini with the same factor that is exciting. An apple try on the phone size with the SEC and I know you try one of this so at some point and I like that it’s small form factor. Yes The big thing. It’s cool if that is your as you said your main device if you use that as their your main non computer, great get the biggest screen you can’t get the iPhone Pro, the largest you can. But if you if that’s not your main non computer device, if you have an iPad that you use more than that, the small key factor, it’s something that it doesn’t. Nothing beats that in my opinion.

Michael Sliwinski 40:16

Yeah, just Just think about it. I just got a humungous you know, iPad Pro, and, and I’ll be carrying it anyway. So if I leave home without the iPad, the Mini is more than enough for me to do everything. It has 5g it has, you know, everything that I need is fast enough, it has the processor. So for me to do like small things on the mini on the go, it’s still fine. And whenever, um, but but usually I will have a backpack and then I have have the iPad in my backpack to just get real work done. So anyway, so yeah, so I guess I just, you know, I’ll stick with the mini for one more year. And then we’ll see if Apple keeps doing the iPhone Mini.

Augusto Pinaud 40:57

I hope they do. I really hope they do. Well, and with this, I think we cover the show what happened what was good what exciters any final comments.

Michael Sliwinski 41:10

Yeah. So I I really think that the the lineup for the iPhones, for example, is good. I really like the I nine up to two UI, we have the SE which is the cheapest, then we have like the iPhone 11 and iPhone 12. And then we have the 13, mini 13, normal 13 Pro and pro max. So I would love for Apple to keep doing that to keep having a more diverse lineup so that people can choose. And there was a rumor that iPhone mini wasn’t selling so well. Because in pandemic times people couldn’t just go to App Store Apple Store, and just really take it in their hands to really appreciate what kind of a great phone what kind of a cute great phone it is. And I’m hoping that this year, they will appreciate that and then see the cute, great phone that it is. And I hope this one and a half hour battery will be just enough for me to get by. Because this is the only issue that I have with him iPhone Mini is the battery life and I hope I will get more battery life this year.

Augusto Pinaud 42:14

Oh, but you can always add in the case of the iPhone 12 and 13. You can add the attachment battery and yeah, I have it small enough. So that’s, that’s, it’s that helps with that. At least I think.

Michael Sliwinski 42:27

Yeah, yeah, totally. Yeah. So with that, I think yeah, we covered and I think again, it’s good to have the iPad Mini back and back with vengeance. So it’s really it’s really cool that that it’s it’s it’s a it’s a very, very cute and very nice iPad as well. So for me, this is like the cherry on top.

Augusto Pinaud 42:46

Yeah, so please let us know if there’s a story that we miss in our contact page on Anything But or tweeting and dming us on Twitter at Anything But Idle. If you have a question or a comment about anything we have discussed in this show, please leave us a comment. And while you’re on there, you will find our show notes or links or stories tools of the week some extra stuff. If this is your first time watching us live stream, please click the subscribe button so you can get notified when we go live weekly. And if you’re listening to the podcast show, please consider adding us to your favorite app. If you click on the subscribe tab on Anything But you will see instructions to follow us and get episodes download every week. If you enjoy spending time watching us or listening us today, it will be great help for us. If you add a rating or review on Apple podcast or Stitcher, your compliments help us reach more personal productivity community. So thank you. And with this. Thank you very much Michael for coming to this show. And I hope that you have fun today.

Michael Sliwinski 43:51

I had really good fun. I love geeking out with you about this. So thanks again for inviting me.

Augusto Pinaud 43:56

We’ll see you all next time on Anything But Idle and here is to your productive life.


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